EU — Deutschland — Deutsche Marine

Naval Air Wing 3/5 — Naval Med­ical Institute

Mar­itime Patrol Aircraft 
Num­ber: 8
Num­ber: 3
Pol­lu­tion Patrol Aircraft 
DO 228 LM 
Num­ber: 2
Ship­borne Helicopter
Num­ber: 22
Total: 35

Mar­itime Patrol Air­craft LOCKHEED P‑3C ORION
Only recent­ly upgrad­ed, the P‑3C ORION pro­vides the Bun­deswehr with enhanced capa­bil­i­ties in terms of long-range recon­nais­sance and com­mand sup­port in joint and com­bined Oper­a­tions. The ORION is a state-of-the-art weapon sys­tem which will also in the future allow suc­cess­ful con­duct of clas­si­cal tasks such as sea sur­veil­lance and engage­ment of under­wa­ter tar­gets. Its Flight Oper­a­tions start­ed in Nord­holz in 2006. The P‑3C ORION replaces the 40-year-old BREGLIET ATLANTIC BR 1150 aircraft. 

Mul­ti-Pur­pose Helicopter 
Num­ber: 21

Mul­ti-Pur­pose Heli­copter WESTLAND SEA KING MK 41
The SEA KING heli­copters have pro­vid­ed out­stand­ing ser­vice in their dai­ly sup­port of the fleet as ship­borne heli­copters of the com­bat sup­port ships and in their SAR role. Both at sea and on land, they are the work­hors­es of the Ger­man Navy. ln a joint approach, Naval Air Wing 5 has the fol­low­ing tasks: 

  • Search and res­cue (SAR)

  • Air­lift­ing personnel/staff material 

  • Dis­as­ter relief 

  • Tac­ti­cal trans­port in the littorals 

  • Evac­u­a­tion operations 

  • Mar­itime sur­veil­lance and reconnaissance 

Naval Med­ical Institute 

Togeth­er with oth­er agen­cies of the Bun­deswehr the Insti­tute Joint Med­ical Ser­vice is sit­u­at­ed on the Bun­deswehr premis­es in Kro­n­sha­gen, a com­mu­ni­ty near the city of Kiel. In its capac­i­ty as the Navy‘s cen­tral med­ical facil­i­ty, the insti­tute is the “alma mater“ of all med­ical ser­vice offi­cers of the Navy. lt ren­ders spe­cif­ic ser­vices to the fleet in par­tic­u­lar and to the Navy as a whole. In the field of div­ing med­i­cine it also pro­vides ser­vices for the entire Bun­deswehr. In close coop­er­a­tion with civil­ian and mil­i­tary agen­cies at home and abroad, the insti­tute points the way in the field of naval medl­cine as well as div­ing and hyper­bar­ic med­i­cine. These fields also con­sti­tute the main fields of research and train­ing. A total of 71 per­son­nel, includ­ing 57 sol­diers, work in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary teams and, among oth­er things, use a high­ly mod­ern hyper­bar­ic cham­ber sys­tem, spe­cial diag­nos­tic equip­ment, facil­i­ties for telemed­i­cine and a sick bay team train­er. The insti­tute pro­vides a 24-hour emer­gency ser­vice in the fields of div­ing and hyper­bar­ic med­i­cine, telemed­i­cine and cri­sis inter­ven­tion through organ­ic navy psychologists 

Source: Ger­man Navy

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