Parliamentarians in Theatres of War with the Australian Defence Force

Sen­a­tor David Feeney, Par­lia­men­tary Sec­re­tary for Defence today launched the 2011 Aus­tralian Defence Force Par­lia­men­tary Pro­gram (ADFPP).
ADFPP is a Defence ini­tia­tive that gives all Aus­tralian Sen­a­tors and Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence first hand what it is like to serve in the Aus­tralian Defence Force (ADF).

Sen­a­tor Feeney said: ‘The ADFPP is a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for par­lia­men­tar­i­ans to improve their under­stand­ing of Defence capa­bil­i­ties, per­son­nel and man­age­ment issues.’ 

‘From train­ing in Kan­da­har to sur­veil­lance in the Gulf of Aden. And from patrolling in Tim­or to fly­ing at RAAF Base East Sale, all Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment can see first hand the impor­tant work of all three ser­vices,’ Sen­a­tor Feeney said. 

‘It’s a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet the men and women who so ably serve,’ Sen­a­tor Feeney said. 

Since the pro­gram began in 2001, a total of 110 par­lia­men­tar­i­ans have participated. 

Par­lia­men­tar­i­ans are offered a num­ber of ADF attach­ment options each cal­en­dar year, pro­grammed pri­mar­i­ly dur­ing the autumn and win­ter recesses. 

The attach­ments range from 5–10 days. Par­lia­men­tar­i­ans often work in uni­form beside the men and women of the ADF

Sev­en­teen dif­fer­ent attach­ment options are pro­grammed for this year, includ­ing attach­ment to five Oper­a­tional areas includ­ing: Afghanistan, East Tim­or and the Solomon islands. 

Oth­er options include par­tic­i­pat­ing in:
• Joint Exer­cise TALISMAN SABRE 2011, the lat­est in a bien­ni­al series of major exer­cis­es to test readi­ness and inter­op­er­abil­i­ty between the ADF and US forces;
• Long range patrolling duties off Australia’s north with the pri­mar­i­ly indige­nous mem­bers of the North West Mobile Force; and
• A week at the RAAF’s largest oper­a­tional base at Amber­ley, which is the home of the new Super Hor­net and the heavy trans­port air­craft, the C‑17 Globemaster. 

Media con­tact: Lor­na Clarke 0408 345 730 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

Face­book and/or on Twit­ter

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