UK — Termination of the Defence Training Review

The ter­mi­na­tion of the Defence Train­ing Ratio­nal­i­sa­tion (DTR) project and the Metrix Consortium’s appoint­ment as pre­ferred bid­der has been announced by Defence Sec­re­tary Dr Liam Fox today, 19 Octo­ber 2010.

The DTR project intend­ed to com­bine the tech­ni­cal and engi­neer­ing train­ing for the Roy­al Navy, Army and Roy­al Air Force on a sin­gle site at St Athan in South Wales. 

In a writ­ten min­is­te­r­i­al state­ment to Par­lia­ment today, Dr Fox said: 

“The Metrix Con­sor­tium was appoint­ed as pre­ferred bid­der in Jan­u­ary 2007 sub­ject to it devel­op­ing an afford­able and val­ue for mon­ey con­tract proposal. 

“Giv­en the sig­nif­i­cance of this project and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pro­vide a world-class train­ing facil­i­ty, the Min­istry of Defence has worked tire­less­ly to deliv­er this project. 

“How­ev­er, it is now clear that Metrix can­not deliv­er an afford­able, com­mer­cial­ly-robust pro­pos­al with­in the pre­scribed peri­od and it has there­fore been nec­es­sary to ter­mi­nate the DTR pro­cure­ment and Metrix’s appoint­ment as pre­ferred bidder. 

“Tech­ni­cal train­ing, col­lo­cat­ed on as few sites as pos­si­ble, remains in our view the best solu­tion for our Armed Forces. Equal­ly, St Athan was pre­vi­ous­ly cho­sen as the best loca­tion on which to col­lo­cate that train­ing for good rea­sons, and we still hope to base our future defence train­ing solu­tion there. 

“We will how­ev­er now car­ry out some work before final­is­ing the best way ahead; includ­ing to con­firm both our train­ing and estates require­ment, and the best way to struc­ture the solu­tion that will meet them. 

“To ensure momen­tum is not lost, work on the alter­na­tive options will begin as soon as pos­si­ble and we hope to be able to announce our future plans in the spring.” 

Train­ing will con­tin­ue to be deliv­ered at cur­rent train­ing loca­tions as it would have done under the orig­i­nal PFI (Pri­vate Finance Ini­tia­tive) pro­pos­al. These sites are: Arbor­field, Bland­ford, Bor­don, Cos­ford, Cran­well, Dig­by, Fare­ham (Colling­wood), Gosport (Sul­tan) and St Athan. 

Press release
Min­istry of Defence, UK 

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