Event — Airborne Counter-Insurgency 2010 by Defence IQ

alt Inau­gur­al Con­fer­ence on the role of Air­pow­er in COIN and Irreg­u­lar War­fare

Air­borne Counter-Insur­gency: Why Now?
In response to the demand from stake­hold­ers and influ­encers in COIN doc­trine and plan­ning, as well as Air Pow­er oper­a­tions, pro­cure­ment and strat­e­gy, the Air­borne Counter-Insur­gency con­fer­ence is designed as a forum at which ideas, chal­lenges and solu­tions can be exchanged in the high­ly sig­nif­i­cant field of air based plat­forms and irreg­u­lar war­fare.

Key high­lights of the pro­gramme to ben­e­fit you:

  • Case study from the Swedish Air Force explain­ing how coun­tries con­struct a com­pre­hen­sive air­borne COIN capa­bil­i­ty by mod­i­fy­ing, adapt­ing and util­is­ing exist­ing UAV, Fixed-Wing and Rotor-Wing plat­forms, allow­ing you to bench­mark with coun­ter­parts and eval­u­ate requirements

  • Take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn about how the new RAF sin­gle ser­vice AP3000 doc­trine maps out the cur­rent and future role of UK air based plat­forms and assets for the spe­cif­ic chal­lenges of COIN, pro­vid­ing you with the lat­est vision for future UK require­ments and the scope to gauge how to best pro­vide solu­tions for this challenge

  • Hear the US Army/US Marine Corps COIN Centre’s updat­ed analy­sis of the evolv­ing role of air­pow­er in ISAF oper­a­tions and advance your under­stand­ing of how Air­borne COIN doc­trine devel­ops in response to changes on the ground, giv­ing you a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to analyse what is dri­ving new Air­borne COIN requirements

  • Learn about the neces­si­ty of train­ing and resourc­ing part­ner nations with ded­i­cat­ed light strike air­craft from the sub­ject mat­ter expert respon­si­ble for devis­ing the air com­po­nent of the US Army/USMC COIN Field Man­u­al, allow­ing you to eval­u­ate the long-term pro­cure­ment plans that small emerg­ing air forces will require in order to max­imise their COIN capability

Where and when?
From Tues­day, Novem­ber 30 2010
To Wednes­day, Decem­ber 01 2010

Loca­tion : CCT Smith­field, Lon­don, UK
Con­tact : http://bit.ly/AirborneCouterInsurgencyGD

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