Australien — Air Warfare Destroyer block transport contract signed

Greg Com­bet, Min­is­ter for Defence Materiel and Sci­ence, today announced that the Air War­fare Destroy­er (AWD) Alliance has signed a con­tract with Toll North Pty Ltd for the trans­port of 66 hull blocks by sea from New­cas­tle and Mel­bourne to Ade­laide where they will be con­sol­i­dat­ed into Australia’s three Hobart Class AWDs.

Mr Com­bet said the sign­ing of this $25 mil­lion con­tract rep­re­sent­ed a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone in the mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar project.

“Full block pro­duc­tion is now under­way at three ship­yards across Aus­tralia: ASC in Ade­laide, BAE Sys­tems in Mel­bourne and For­gacs in New­cas­tle,” Mr Com­bet said.

“The com­plet­ed blocks will be trans­port­ed on a barge towed by a tug boat from the Mel­bourne and New­cas­tle ship­yards to Adelaide. 

“By mid-2011, the blocks will begin to arrive at the Gov­ern­ment of South Australia’s Com­mon User Facil­i­ty for con­sol­i­da­tion into the com­plete war­ship,” Mr Com­bet said.

Each ship is made up of 31 blocks. The blocks will be trans­port­ed in groups, with 15 trips from BAE Sys­tems ship­yard in Mel­bourne and eight from the For­gacs ship­yard in Newcastle.

“This work will employ 14 peo­ple, part of a 3,000 strong work­force build­ing these war­ships around Aus­tralia,” Mr Com­bet said.

The project is on track to deliv­er the first AWD, HMAS Hobart, in Decem­ber 2014. HMAS Bris­bane is sched­uled for deliv­ery in March 2016 and HMAS Syd­ney in June 2017.

Media con­tacts:
Rod Hilton (Greg Com­bet): 02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619
Defence Media Liai­son: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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