WASHINGTON, Feb. 24, 2011 — Afghan and coalition troops captured several insurgents, including a Hezb‑e Islami Gulbuddin terrorist leader, yesterday in Afghanistan, military officials reported.
The terrorist leader and another suspected insurgent were detained in Khost province’s Sabari district reportedly for trafficking explosive devices and other weapons throughout the province.
In other news yesterday throughout Afghanistan:
— In Kandahar province’s Kandahar City, security forces detained several suspected insurgents, including a Taliban leader responsible for storing and distributing supplies to insurgents.
— Forces detained several suspected insurgents during clearing operations in Kandahar province’s Shah Wali Kot district. The suspects are responsible for conducting and coordinating attacks against local security forces.
— Security forces detained several suspected insurgents, including a Haqqani network terrorist who leads a bombing cell in Khost province’s Sabari district.
— Afghan and coalition forces detained two suspected insurgents in Helmand province’s Nawah-ye Barakzai district while searching for a Taliban leader who reportedly is responsible for several Afghan civilian kidnappings and terrorist attacks in the area.
— Security forces found several weapons stockpiles throughout Afghanistan. The operations resulted in seizure of 11,000 assault-rifle and machine-gun rounds, four various rockets and mortars, four hand grenades, four rocket-propelled grenades and assorted bomb-making materials.
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases