Flournoy: NATO Action Must Follow Lisbon Vision
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29, 2010 — Agreements reached at the Nov. 19–20 NATO summit in Lisbon, Portugal, represent a blueprint the alliance must follow with “long-term …
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WASHINGTON, Nov. 29, 2010 — Agreements reached at the Nov. 19–20 NATO summit in Lisbon, Portugal, represent a blueprint the alliance must follow with “long-term …
WASHINGTON — The military can be a lot of things to people looking to enlist. It can be a demonstration of patriotism, a college payment …
Defence will begin consultation with industry on the implementation of the historic Defence Trade Cooperation Treaty with the United States on Wednesday 1 December. The …
The $35 million expansion of the Monegeeta Proving Ground Complex was officially opened by the Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today.
FRAN KELLY: As we heard earlier, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has described the leak of confidential documents by WikiLeaks as a serious …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29, 2010 — President Barack Obama today proposed a two-year federal pay freeze to aid in reducing the federal deficit. The proposed freeze …
In der abgelaufenen Woche konzentrierten die Piraten ihre Aktivitäten weiterhin auf die offenen Seegebiete des Somaliabeckens; aus dem von Kriegsschiffen eng überwachten Golf von Aden …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29, 2010 — National Guard soldiers and airmen are making a big difference to civilian law enforcement officers working along the U.S. southwest …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29, 2010 — The WikiLeaks release of classified State Department documents over the weekend constitutes an attack not only on America, but also …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29, 2010 — A gunman in an Afghan Border Police uniform turned his weapon against coalition forces during a training mission in eastern …
DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Coastal Pacific Food Distributors*, Stockton, Calif., is being awarded a maximum $368,783,360 fixed-price with economic price adjustment indefinite-quantity contract for full line …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28, 2010 — Government officials condemned the publication of hundreds of thousands of sensitive, classified State Department cables by WikiLeaks today. The website …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28, 2010 — The United States is “very committed” to begin drawing down its forces in Afghanistan in July, but large numbers will …
A representative from the Australian Defence Force has today observed the United States-Republic of Korea naval exercise in the Yellow Sea. This naval exercise underlines …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28, 2010 — The only thing predictable about the North Korean regime is its unpredictability, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27, 2010 — NATO’S International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan confirmed through operational reporting and the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan that no ISAF …
Die US Navy hat erhebliche Probleme mit ihren Küstenpatrouillenbooten der CYCLONE-Klasse. Insgesamt zehn dieser in den 1990-er Jahren gebauten Boote sind noch im Bestand; drei …
WASHINGTON — A counterinsurgency campaign is a lot like a roller coaster with many ups and downs, said Army Lt. Gen. David M. Rodriguez, commander …
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27, 2010 — Movements of troops in South Korea and ships in the Yellow Sea are part of long-planned exercises and shouldn’t be …
U.S. TRANSPORTATION COMMAND Alaska Marine Lines, Inc., Seattle, Wash., a sealift services company, is one of 11 contractors awarded a contract on Nov. 23, 2010, …