USA — Kentucky Guard Continues to Fight Flood Waters

CANMER, Ky., May 7, 2010 — More than 80 mem­bers of the Ken­tucky Nation­al Guard remain on duty after last weekend’s storms drenched the south-cen­tral part of the state with sev­er­al inch­es of rain.

Kentucky National Guard
Ken­tucky Nation­al Guard mem­bers and local vol­un­teers build a sand­bag wall to help pre­vent the Green Riv­er from flood­ing a water treat­ment plant in Can­mer, Ky., May 3, 2010.
U.S. Army pho­to By Sgt. Bryan Ploughe
Click to enlarge

Mem­bers of 1st Bat­tal­ion, 623rd Field Artillery, were deployed to help with flood relief efforts at a water treat­ment plant here May 3. The plant pro­vides water for 27,000 res­i­dents of four counties. 

Help­ing with the relief efforts were more than 50 Ken­tucky Guards­men, 24 inmates from the Hart Coun­ty jail, and rep­re­sen­ta­tives from five vol­un­teer fire depart­ments. David Page, dis­trict gen­er­al man­ag­er for the Green Riv­er Val­ley water dis­trict, John Rut­ledge, plant super­in­ten­dent, and Ker­ry McDaniels, local state emer­gency man­age­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tive, worked with the Army Corps of Engi­neers and vol­un­teers to assem­ble sand, dump trucks, back­hoes and oth­er assets to safe­guard the water treat­ment plant against the flooding. 

State offi­cials con­tin­ue to assess dam­age, and the Ken­tucky Nation­al Guard con­tin­ues to pro­vide sup­port and stands ready to deploy to any area need­ing assis­tance, offi­cials said. Guard offi­cials said flood sup­port mis­sions in Ken­tucky will include traf­fic con­trol points, dam­age assess­ment teams, sand­bag oper­a­tions and rov­ing secu­ri­ty patrols. 

Ken­tucky Nation­al Guard 

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