US Navy’s Medium Range Maritime Unmanned Aerial System Program

BAE Sys­tems and AVX Air­craft Com­pa­ny Join to Com­pete for US Navy’s Medi­um Range Mar­itime Unmanned Aer­i­al Sys­tem Program

SAN DIEGOBAE Sys­tems and AVX Air­craft Com­pa­ny have com­bined exper­tise in sys­tem and sub­sys­tem inte­gra­tion and rotor­craft design to com­pete for the U.S. Navy’s Medi­um Range Mar­itime Unmanned Aer­i­al Sys­tem (MRMUAS). The MRMUAS will pro­vide a mul­ti-intel­li­gence, recon­fig­urable plat­form for oper­a­tion from all air-capa­ble ships. The joint team recent­ly sub­mit­ted its response to the Navy’s Broad Agency Announce­ment (BAA) to devel­op this future sea and land-based ver­ti­cal take-off and land­ing unmanned aer­i­al system.

This solu­tion inte­grates AVX’s patent­ed new air­craft con­fig­u­ra­tion with BAE Sys­tems’ onboard com­mon autonomous mis­sion sys­tems, pay­loads, mis­sion con­trol sys­tem and sup­port capa­bil­i­ties to pro­vide the U.S. Navy a weapon sys­tem that exceeds MRMUAS mis­sion require­ments. The team’s high­ly capa­ble, flex­i­ble and afford­able weapon sys­tem lever­ages state-of-the-art sub­sys­tems, a mod­u­lar open sys­tem archi­tec­ture and a com­mon mis­sion sys­tem design that facil­i­tates reuse. 

After exam­in­ing a range of air vehi­cle options for MRMUAS, includ­ing mod­i­fy­ing exist­ing com­mer­cial and mil­i­tary heli­copters, BAE Sys­tems and AVX con­clud­ed the Navy’s require­ments can­not be met by sys­tems cur­rent­ly on the mar­ket. The team brings togeth­er AVX’s exten­sive rotor­craft expe­ri­ence and BAE Sys­tems’ sys­tem and sub­sys­tem inte­gra­tion exper­tise, to pro­vide the Navy a weapon sys­tem that exceeds MRMUAS mis­sion require­ments at low total own­er­ship cost.

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:
Despina Froumis, BAE Sys­tems
Tel: +1 858 675 2845 Mobile: +1 858 472 6958

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