Spanish Paratroopers return to Afghanistan

Qala-e-Naw, Afghanistan – The “BRIPAC” (Span­ish Para­troop­ers Brigade) relieves the Span­ish Legion on the lead of the mis­sion that Span­ish Army has been car­ry­ing out in the Provin­cial Recon­struc­tion Team (PRT), in Badghis province, for the last sev­en years.

Span­ish Para­troop­ers return to Afghanistan and take the lead of the Span­ish Provin­cial Recon­struc­tion Team and Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Force in Badghis Province.
Source: NATO
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Span­ish Col. Demetrio Muñoz Gar­cia, Com­man­der of the Legion Unit “Ter­cio Don Juan de Aus­tria”, has hand­ed over the com­mand of ASPFOR (Span­ish mis­sion in Afghanistan) this morn­ing to Span­ish Col. Luis Cebri­an Car­bonell, sec­ond in com­mand of the Para­troop­er Brigade Almogá­vares VI. The change of com­mand includ­ed a mil­i­tary parade, held at ‘Ruy González de Clav­i­jo’ Base, in the town of Qala e Naw, provin­cial cap­i­tal of the Span­ish- respon­si­bil­i­ty province of Badghis. 

The event was chaired by the Deputy Head of the NATO Joint Com­mand in Afghanistan (IJC), and also Span­ish Head, Divi­sion Gen. Javier Taberné. Among oth­er atten­dees were the head of Region­al Com­mand West, Ital­ian Brig. Gen. Lui­gi Chi­ap­peri­ni, Mr. Jam Arman, Gov­er­nor of the province, and the com­mand­ing gen­er­al of the 207-sol­dier Afghan Nation­al Army 3rd Brigade. 

The secu­ri­ty tran­si­tion con­tin­ues in the province of Badghis, as two dis­tricts have just been hand­ed over to the Afghan gov­ern­ment, Qala i Naw and Ab Kamari. 

The Span­ish Para­troop­er Brigade (BRIPAC) begins their mis­sion with a lot of expe­ri­ence per­form­ing duties in Afghanistan, as it is the fifth time serv­ing in the coun­try, hav­ing gone through Mazar e Sharif, Kab­ul, Her­at and Qala i Naw. 

Col. Cebri­an stressed in his speech, “We will con­tin­ue from the begin­ning, con­sis­tent to the com­mit­ment of Spain, with­in ISAF, to sup­port the Gov­ern­ment of the Islam­ic Repub­lic of Afghanistan, in its effort to estab­lish a legit­i­mate state author­i­ty and to pro­tect the pop­u­la­tion in the province of Badghis”. 

The event end­ed with the sign­ing of the offi­cial books, and the fra­ter­nal embrace between both heads of con­tin­gent, the incom­ing one and the relieved one, embark­ing on a plane that took them home to Spain.

NTM‑A is a coali­tion of 37 troop-con­tribut­ing nations charged with assist­ing the Gov­ern­ment of the Islam­ic Repub­lic of Afghanistan in gen­er­at­ing a capa­ble and sus­tain­able Afghan Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Force ready to take lead of their country’s secu­ri­ty by 2014. 

Allied Com­mand Oper­a­tions

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