Raytheon Books $50 Million in Electronic Warfare Contracts

Con­tin­ued growth expect­ed in EW field

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Dec. 30, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Raytheon Com­pa­ny (NYSE: RTN) booked $50 mil­lion this month in new con­tract awards relat­ed to its elec­tron­ic war­fare (EW) business.

Raytheon’s indus­try-lead­ing elec­tron­ic war­fare port­fo­lio includes air­borne and ship­board jam­mers, towed decoys and radar warn­ing receivers in use on strate­gic and tac­ti­cal air­craft, heli­copters and sur­face ships of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and inter­na­tion­al customers.

“For more than 50 years, Raytheon’s EW prod­ucts have earned a rep­u­ta­tion around the world for supe­ri­or per­for­mance and reli­a­bil­i­ty,” said Mark Kula, vice pres­i­dent, Tac­ti­cal Air­borne Sys­tems, for Raytheon Space and Air­borne Sys­tems. “As we look to the future, the elec­tron­ic war­fare mar­ket will evolve to encom­pass intel­li­gence, sur­veil­lance and recon­nais­sance data col­lec­tion and elec­tron­ic attack, and Raytheon is well posi­tioned to par­tic­i­pate at the fore­front of these trends.”

Raytheon Com­pa­ny, with 2010 sales of $25 bil­lion, is a tech­nol­o­gy and inno­va­tion leader spe­cial­iz­ing in defense, home­land secu­ri­ty and oth­er gov­ern­ment mar­kets through­out the world. With a his­to­ry of inno­va­tion span­ning 89 years, Raytheon pro­vides state-of-the-art elec­tron­ics, mis­sion sys­tems inte­gra­tion and oth­er capa­bil­i­ties in the areas of sens­ing; effects; and com­mand, con­trol, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and intel­li­gence sys­tems, as well as a broad range of mis­sion sup­port ser­vices. With head­quar­ters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon employs 72,000 peo­ple world­wide. For more about Raytheon, vis­it us at www.raytheon.com and fol­low us on Twit­ter @raytheon.

Media Con­tact
John Barks­dale

Team GlobDef

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