Obama Formally Nominates Allen for Afghanistan Post

WASHINGTON, June 9, 2011 — Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma has for­mal­ly nom­i­nat­ed Marine Corps Lt. Gen. John R. Allen to receive a fourth star and serve as the next com­man­der of Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force and U.S. Forces Afghanistan, Defense Sec­re­tary Robert M. Gates announced today.

Oba­ma also nom­i­nat­ed Army Lt. Gen. Cur­tis M. Scaparrot­ti, com­man­der of 1st Corps, Fort Lewis and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., to also serve as deputy ISAF and U.S. Forces Afghanistan com­man­der and as com­man­der of ISAF Joint Com­mand, Gates announced. 

The pres­i­dent announced at the White House April 28 that he intend­ed to name Allen the first Marine to com­mand all U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan. Allen served as deputy com­man­der of U.S. Cen­tral Com­mand until June 2, when he became spe­cial assis­tant to Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chair­man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 

If the Sen­ate con­firms his nom­i­na­tion, Allen would replace the retir­ing Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, whom Oba­ma has nom­i­nat­ed to become the next CIA direc­tor. Cur­rent CIA direc­tor Leon E. Panet­ta is tes­ti­fy­ing in his con­fir­ma­tion hear­ing today to become the next defense sec­re­tary after Gates retires June 30. 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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