Military Airlift: Rapid Reaction and Tanker Operations Asia Pacific 2012

Smi Group’s Mil­i­tary Air­lift: Rapid Reac­tion and Tanker Oper­a­tions Asia Pacif­ic 2012 is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet with the region­al air­lift com­mu­ni­ty and dis­cuss cur­rent require­ments and eval­u­ate recent air­lifter oper­a­tions. The con­fer­ence and exhi­bi­tion will be held on the 9th and 10th July in Sin­ga­pore and is the only event where this com­mu­ni­ty can meet togeth­er to dis­cuss the regions capa­bil­i­ties and require­ments. Run­ning par­al­lel next to the con­fer­ence will be a vibrant exhi­bi­tion that will allow ven­dors to show­case their solu­tions and tech­nolo­gies for airlifting. 

Hear from key indus­try experts such as Air Chief Mar­shal SP Tya­gi, (For­mer) Chief of the Air Staff and Chairman’s Chief of Staff Com­mit­tee, Indi­an Air Force, Air Com­modore Gary Mar­tin, Com­man­der Air Lift Group, Roy­al Aus­tralian Air Force, Air Com­modore (Ret’d) Glen Steed, Head of Cus­tomer Strat­e­gy & Mar­ket­ing, Qan­tas Avi­a­tion Ser­vices, Colonel Theodore Coral­lo, HARRT Divi­sion, US Pacif­ic Com­mand, US Air Force,Wing Com­man­der Steve Hunt, C‑130 Life Exten­sion Project Pro­gramme Man­ag­er, Roy­al New Zealand Air Force, Brigadier (Ret’d) Rahul Bhon­sle, For­mer Mil­i­tary Com­man­der, Indi­an Armed Forces and Lau­rent Don­net, Capa­bil­i­ty Man­ag­er, Euro­pean Defence Force (EDA)

They will dis­cuss Air Trans­port Capa­bil­i­ties and Oper­a­tions in the Roy­al New Zealand Air Force , Air­lift oper­a­tions across Japan , Nat­ur­al Dis­as­ter sup­port across Asia-Pacif­ic — HARRT Per­spec­tive , Inter­na­tion­al Human­i­tar­i­an Oper­a­tions: The Pri­vate Sec­tor poten­tial , Human­i­tar­i­an Air­lift Oper­a­tions across Asia-Pacif­ic ‚Sin­ga­pore Air­lift capa­bil­i­ty and force mobil­i­ty, Indi­an Mil­i­tary Air­lift capa­bil­i­ty: Envi­ron­ment and future prospects , The Air­bus Mil­i­tary fam­i­ly of Air­lifters, Euro­pean Air Trans­port Fleet: Increas­ing avail­abil­i­ty of Air­lift in the EU through strate­gic part­ner­ships , Roy­al Air Force Air­lift capa­bil­i­ties and Sus­tain­ment mod­el for future life sup­port for Com­mer­cial-Mil­i­tary Airlifters 

There will also be a Plus a post event work­shop, Exer­cise Pega­sus: Mil­i­tary Air­lift in Asia-Pacif­ic — A Prac­ti­cal Expo­sure for Plan­ning and Exe­cu­tion of A Com­pre­hen­sive Mil­i­tary Air­lift Exer­cise in the Asia- Pacif­ic held on the 11th July 2012, Grand Copthorne Water­front Hotel, Singapore. 

For more infor­ma­tion and to down­load the con­fer­ence pro­gramme please vis­it:


Con­tact Lau­ra Green on: Tel to: +65 66 4990 95 / Fax to: +65 664 990 94 or email

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