Indian Navy Ships In China Next Week

In a sign of renewed momen­tum in bilat­er­al ties, four Indi­an Navy ships will be dock­ing in Shang­hai next week on a good­will vis­it, a key step to build­ing trust in the mar­itime domain as India and Chi­na Thurs­day decid­ed to fas­track cru­cial dia­logues on Cen­tral Asia, West Asia and Africa.

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

A day after Indi­an Exter­nal Affairs Min­is­ter S.M. Krish­na met Chi­nese Vice Pre­mier Li Xeqiang to take a big pic­ture view of the bilat­er­al rela­tion­ship, he met his Chi­nese coun­ter­part Yang Jiechi and held wide-rang­ing talks on the side­lines of the six-nation Shang­hai Coop­er­a­tion Organ­i­sa­tion (SCO) sum­mit in the Chi­nese capital. 

Krish­na also briefly met Chi­nese Pres­i­dent Hu Jin­tao in the Great Hall of the Peo­ple after the ban­quet host­ed for the lead­ers of the SCO countries. 

The two min­is­ters dis­cussed a swathe of bilat­er­al issues, includ­ing the con­tours of the mar­itime dia­logue and inten­si­fi­ca­tion of eco­nom­ic and trade ties. 

The vis­it by Indi­an ships to Chi­na sig­nals a keen desire on part of the two ris­ing Asian pow­ers to build greater trust in the mar­itime domain, which is wide­ly seen as a poten­tial source of fric­tion amid China’s assertive­ness in South Chi­na Sea. 

The meet­ing between the two min­is­ters last­ed for around an hour and was marked by warmth and mutu­al desire to take this cru­cial rela­tion­ship to new heights, Indi­an offi­cials said. 

The meet­ing under­scored strong polit­i­cal will on both sides to nur­ture and sus­tain this rela­tion­ship despite occa­sion­al dif­fer­ences over some issues. 

The dif­fer­ences between India and Chi­na are minor and that will not dis­turb the entire rela­tion­ship, Yang told Krishna. 

Chi­na will push for­ward devel­op­men­tal aspi­ra­tions of India and will han­dle sen­si­tive issues very care­ful­ly keep­ing in mind the pos­i­tive growth and eco­nom­ic rela­tions between the two coun­tries, said Yang. 

Krish­na also took up the issue of Indi­an traders embroiled in a dis­pute with locals in the east­ern Chi­nese com­mod­i­ty hub of Yiwu. 

The Chi­nese min­is­ter con­veyed that while the case was sub-judice, he will try to see if the process can be fast-tracked. 


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