India China Joint Army Exercise Next Year

After a lull of over three years in mil­i­tary ties, Defence ties between India and Chi­na are set to gain momen­tum with New Del­hi mulling joint exer­cis­es with Bei­jing next year.

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

India is plan­ning to pro­pose joint mil­i­tary exer­cis­es with Chi­na which will also include army-to-army exer­cis­es, sources said here. 

The armies of the two coun­tries last held counter insur­gency and counter ter­ror­ism wargames code­named ‘Hand-in-Hand’ in 2009 in Bel­gaum in India and pri­or to that in Chi­na in 2007. 

India and Chi­na had agreed to enhance Defence exchanges and com­mu­ni­ca­tions for bet­ter under­stand­ing and mutu­al trust dur­ing the fourth round of Annu­al Defence Dia­logue (ADD) held here in Decem­ber last year after a tumul­tuous two years for mil­i­tary ties. 

New Del­hi had sus­pend­ed mil­i­tary exchanges with Chi­na in August 2010 after it had refused to grant per­mis­sion to a senior Indi­an Army Com­man­der to pro­ceed on an offi­cial trip to Beijing. 

As an imme­di­ate fall­out of the event, India refused to hold the third round of mil­i­tary exer­cise and had put all oth­er mil­i­tary exchanges on hold. 

Mean­while, top-lev­el offi­cers of the Indi­an and Chi­nese Navies held dis­cus­sions to improve the ties between the two coun­tries as four Indi­an war­ships took part in basic naval exer­cis­es there. 


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