Exercise Proud Manta 2012 : Hunter or hunted?

Nisi­da, Naples 21 Feb­ru­ary 2012: As Proud Man­ta 2012 evolves the sub­marines, sur­face ves­sels and mar­itime patrol air­craft involved in this anti-sub­ma­rine war­fare exer­cise find their role as hunter can quick­ly become that of the prey.

Ion­ian Sea, 20 Feb. 2012 — ITS Todaro dur­ing a phase of Exer­cise Proud Man­ta 2012
Source: NATO
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The sub­marines have a lot of advan­tages but the waters of the Ion­ian Sea can some­times be more reveal­ing than the com­man­ders would like espe­cial­ly when there is a Cana­di­an CP140 Auro­ra swoop­ing low above search­ing for that tell-tale outline. 

In this year’s ver­sion of Proud Man­ta there is an addi­tion­al preda­tor in the form of fast attack air­craft: Ital­ian Tor­na­does and Eurofight­ers. So not even the Patrol Air­craft are safe. 

“The assets put into this year’s exer­cise real­ly allow us to put all the play­ers through com­plex and esca­lat­ing sce­nar­ios. We have enough ships planes and peo­ple engaged that we can real­ly sim­u­late plen­ty of threats and there­fore we can train hard in how to work togeth­er to deal with and neu­tral­ize those threats” said U.S. Navy Cap­tain Wal­ter Luthiger Chief of Staff of COMSUBSOUTH and Chief Plan­ner for Proud Man­ta 12. “The results were excel­lent last year and we are on track to be as good if not bet­ter in 2012” 

Proud Man­ta 2012 is the largest Anti-Sub­ma­rine War­fare (ASW) exer­cise con­duct­ed by NATO. Sched­uled by Allied Mar­itime Com­mand Naples, it is con­duct­ed by Com­man­der Sub­marines, Allied Naval Forces South (COMSUBSOUTH) and Com­man­der, Mar­itime Air Naples (COMMARAIRNAPLES).

Allied Com­mand Oper­a­tions

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