EU — Outline for a Joint Caribbean-EU Partnership Strategy

Fol­low­ing the Bar­ba­dos Sem­i­nar and the Polit­i­cal Dia­logue held in Kingston in March 2010, the approval of the present out­line at the CARIFORUM-EU Sum­mit in Madrid paves the way for the for­mu­la­tion, adop­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of the Joint Strategy.

It is pro­posed that the CARIFORUM and the EU estab­lish a Tech­ni­cal Work­ing Group based in Brus­sels, but with appro­pri­ate link­ages with exist­ing region­al struc­tures, endowed with ade­quate resources, to devel­op an enhanced Joint Caribbean-EU Part­ner­ship Strat­e­gy tak­ing account of the con­text, the com­mon vision and shared pri­or­i­ties set out in this Out­line Document.

Fur­ther­more, the appro­pri­ate con­sul­ta­tion process and cal­en­dar should be estab­lished, includ­ing the def­i­n­i­tion of the tar­get date for sub­mis­sion and adop­tion of the final doc­u­ment in the frame­work of the new­ly struc­tured polit­i­cal dialogue. 

Coun­cil of the Euro­pean Union 

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