EU — Outline for a Joint Caribbean-EU Partnership Strategy


The Caribbean-EU rela­tion­ship has been a dynam­ic and gen­er­al­ly pro­gres­sive one since the First Lomé Con­ven­tion in which both regions have been part­ners in the fields of trade, eco­nom­ic and devel­op­ment coop­er­a­tion. This part­ner­ship is under­pinned by a rich her­itage of shared his­to­ry, val­ues and culture.

The Caribbean-EU part­ner­ship has been gov­erned by sev­er­al insti­tu­tion­al arrange­ments. Prin­ci­pal among these is the ACP-EU Coto­nou Part­ner­ship Agree­ment, which remains in effect until 2020. The recent­ly con­clud­ed sec­ond revi­sion of the Coto­nou Agree­ment rein­forces a more rel­e­vant and effec­tive part­ner­ship, sup­port­ed by a mul­ti-annu­al finan­cial frame­work. Oth­er part­ner­ship arrange­ments include the EU-LAC Strate­gic Part­ner­ship, the EU-Rio Group, as well as strong bilat­er­al lev­el rela­tions with sev­er­al EU mem­ber states, par­tic­u­lar­ly those with his­tor­i­cal ties to the region and OCTs and ORs (DOMs). The CARIFORUM-EU Eco­nom­ic Part­ner­ship Agree­ment (EPA) which is being pro­vi­sion­al­ly applied since Decem­ber 2008 pro­vides a new rec­i­p­ro­cal plat­form for trade rela­tions between the two regions. 

Over time, how­ev­er, oth­er new and impend­ing devel­op­ments and chal­lenges – nation­al, sub-region­al, region­al, hemi­spher­ic and glob­al — have also impact­ed on the part­ner­ship. The new­ly adopt­ed Lis­bon Treaty has amend­ed the way in which the EU and its insti­tu­tions will inter­act with third coun­tries and regions. This new con­text pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty to devel­op a joint strat­e­gy that will fos­ter an enhanced bi-region­al rela­tion­ship to bet­ter respond to glob­al chal­lenges and to artic­u­late com­mon interests.

The guid­ing prin­ci­ples for the elab­o­ra­tion of the strat­e­gy, which will have a long-term approach, will be char­ac­ter­ized by joint own­er­ship, mutu­al account­abil­i­ty and sol­i­dar­i­ty, co-man­age­ment and co-respon­si­bil­i­ty. The strat­e­gy will reflect our com­mon belief in, con­vic­tion and respect for the prin­ci­ples enshrined in the UN Char­ter and in inter­na­tion­al law.

This shared vision, com­mon inter­ests and strate­gic objec­tives will mark the begin­ning of a new phase in the Caribbean-EU relationship. 

Team GlobDef

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