CASSIDIAN’s new SPEXER™ 2000 Coastal radar

CASSIDIAN’s new SPEXER™ 2000 Coastal radar offers unprece­dent­ed per­for­mance of lit­toral surveillance 

  • Unique detec­tion capa­bil­i­ty pro­vides secu­ri­ty forces with addi­tion­al reac­tion time
  • New mem­ber of Cassidian’s SPEXER™ secu­ri­ty radar prod­uct family 

SPEXER™ 2000 Coastal“
Click to enlarge

Cas­sid­i­an, the defence and secu­ri­ty divi­sion of EADS, intro­duces a new secu­ri­ty radar into the mar­ket which opens up com­plete­ly new oppor­tu­ni­ties for the wide-area pro­tec­tion of coast­lines, mar­itime infra­struc­ture and har­bours against asym­met­ric threats. As part of Cassidian’s SPEXER secu­ri­ty radar fam­i­ly, the new SPEXER™ 2000 Coastal has been launched dur­ing the Langkawi Inter­na­tion­al Mar­itime and Aero­space (LIMA) exhi­bi­tion in Malaysia. 

SPEXER 2000 Coastal is the world­wide first secu­ri­ty radar using the lat­est radar tech­nol­o­gy of Active Elec­tron­i­cal­ly Scan­ning Array (AESA) which pro­vides a mul­ti-task­ing and mul­ti-mode capa­bil­i­ty and increas­es the detec­tion and tar­get assess­ment capa­bil­i­ty sub­stan­tial­ly”, explained Elmar Com­pans, Head of Cas­sid­i­an Sen­sors & Elec­tron­ic War­fare. “There­fore, one SPEXER 2000 Coastal can replace two or more con­ven­tion­al radars”, he said.

SPEXER 2000 Coastal is a secu­ri­ty radar opti­mized for the sur­veil­lance of coastal areas and mar­itime infra­struc­ture such as oil fields and har­bours. With an instru­ment­ed range of 21.6 NM (40 km), its high Doppler and veloc­i­ty res­o­lu­tion as well as its high sea clut­ter sup­pres­sion, it is able to detect, track and clas­si­fy even very small and slow­ly mov­ing objects such as swim­mers and rub­ber dinghies, but also fast objects such as speed boats. Due to a unique sig­nal pro­cess­ing archi­tec­ture, the SPEXER 2000 Coastal is able to reli­ably detect sea, land and air tar­gets. Hence, in case the sce­nario makes it nec­es­sary, the deploy­ment of dif­fer­ent sen­sors for simul­ta­ne­ous land and sea sur­veil­lance is not nec­es­sary any more. In addi­tion, a cam­era can be cued to the radar in order to iden­ti­fy sus­pi­cious objects.

This ensures a supe­ri­or sur­veil­lance per­for­mance and a high lev­el of sit­u­a­tion­al aware­ness pro­vid­ing secu­ri­ty forces in a lit­toral envi­ron­ment with addi­tion­al reac­tion time towards illic­it intrusions.

The SPEXER 2000 Coastal is part of Cassidian’s SPEXER secu­ri­ty radar fam­i­ly which con­sists of sev­er­al sen­sors, each opti­mized for spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tions in the fields of bor­der, infra­struc­ture, perime­ter and coastal sur­veil­lance. A spe­cif­ic ver­sion for bor­der sur­veil­lance, SPEXER™ 2000, is under pro­duc­tion for a huge bor­der sur­veil­lance sys­tem in the Mid­dle East; a mil­i­tary ver­sion has been devel­oped for the Ger­man Army. 

Cas­sid­i­an, an EADS com­pa­ny, is a world­wide leader in glob­al secu­ri­ty solu­tions and sys­tems, pro­vid­ing Lead Sys­tems Inte­gra­tion and val­ue-added prod­ucts and ser­vices to civ­il and mil­i­tary cus­tomers around the globe: air sys­tems (air­craft and unmanned aer­i­al sys­tems), land, naval and joint sys­tems, intel­li­gence and sur­veil­lance, cyber secu­ri­ty, secure com­mu­ni­ca­tions, test sys­tems, mis­siles, ser­vices and sup­port solu­tions. In 2010, Cas­sid­i­an – with around 28,000 employ­ees – achieved rev­enues of € 5.9 bil­lion. EADS is a glob­al leader in aero­space, defence and relat­ed ser­vices. In 2010, the Group – com­pris­ing the Divi­sions Air­bus, Astri­um, Cas­sid­i­an and Euro­copter – gen­er­at­ed rev­enues of € 45.8 bil­lion and employed a work­force of more than 121.000.

CASSIDIAN – Defend­ing World Security 

Lothar Belz Tel.: 0049 (0) 731 392 3681

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