Boeing Submits NewGen Tanker Proposal to US Air Force

ST. LOUIS — The Boe­ing Com­pa­ny [NYSE: BA] today sub­mit­ted a pro­pos­al to the U.S. Air Force to pro­vide the ser­vice with a next-gen­er­a­tion aer­i­al refu­el­ing tanker air­craft. Based on Boeing’s 767 com­mer­cial air­plane, the New­Gen Tanker would replace 179 of the 400 Eisen­how­er-era KC-135 air­craft cur­rent­ly in the Air Force fleet.

The 8,000-page New­Gen Tanker pro­pos­al, hand-deliv­ered to the KC‑X pro­gram office at Wright-Pat­ter­son Air Force Base, Ohio, offers an Amer­i­can-made, 767-based mul­ti-mis­sion tanker that will sat­is­fy all 372 manda­to­ry Air Force require­ments and be capa­ble, sur­viv­able, and com­bat-ready at the low­est cost to the tax­pay­er. The pro­pos­al was cre­at­ed by an inte­grat­ed “One Boe­ing” team from var­i­ous sites across the com­pa­ny, includ­ing employ­ees from the Com­mer­cial Air­planes; Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty; and Engi­neer­ing, Oper­a­tions & Tech­nol­o­gy organizations. 

“We are hon­ored to sup­port our U.S. Air Force cus­tomer and sub­mit this pro­pos­al to meet the crit­i­cal mis­sion needs of this nation,” said Den­nis Muilen­burg, pres­i­dent and CEO of Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty. “Boe­ing has more than 60 years of expe­ri­ence devel­op­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing and sup­port­ing tankers for America’s warfight­ers, and we’re ready to build the New­Gen Tanker now. This rev­o­lu­tion­ary tanker will deliv­er wide­body capa­bil­i­ties in a nar­row­body foot­print, oper­ate in any the­ater or from any base, and — with the low­est oper­at­ing cost of any tanker in the com­pe­ti­tion — save the Air Force and the Amer­i­can tax­pay­ers bil­lions of dollars.” 

“As the only com­pa­ny in this com­pe­ti­tion with rich expe­ri­ence in devel­op­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing deriv­a­tive air­craft for the warfight­er, Boe­ing brings the tal­ent and resources of our exist­ing team and facil­i­ties to ful­ly meet the require­ments of the U.S. Air Force,” said Jim Albaugh, pres­i­dent and CEO of Boe­ing Com­mer­cial Air­planes. “With our Boe­ing com­mer­cial and defense teams and a proven sup­pli­er net­work, we have deliv­ered more than 1,000 com­mer­cial deriv­a­tive air­craft to U.S. gov­ern­ment cus­tomers and mil­i­tary cus­tomers around the world. Add to that our expe­ri­ence as the only com­pa­ny to deliv­er a com­bat-test­ed aer­i­al refu­el­ing boom, and we are ready to pro­vide the right tanker for the Air Force and the best val­ue for taxpayers.” 

Based on the proven Boe­ing 767 com­mer­cial air­craft, the New­Gen Tanker is a wide­body, mul­ti-mis­sion air­craft updat­ed with the lat­est and most advanced tech­nol­o­gy and capa­ble of meet­ing or exceed­ing the Air Force’s needs for trans­port of fuel, car­go, pas­sen­gers and patients. It includes state-of-the-art sys­tems to meet the demand­ing mis­sion require­ments of the future, includ­ing a dig­i­tal flight deck fea­tur­ing Boe­ing 787 Dream­lin­er elec­tron­ic dis­plays and a cock­pit-design phi­los­o­phy that places the pilot in com­mand rather than allow­ing com­put­er soft­ware to lim­it com­bat maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The New­Gen Tanker also fea­tures an advanced KC-10 boom with an expand­ed refu­el­ing enve­lope, increased fuel offload rate and fly-by-wire con­trol system. 

More cost-effec­tive to own and oper­ate than the larg­er and heav­ier Air­bus A330 Tanker being offered by the Euro­pean Aero­nau­tic Defence and Space Co. (EADS), the Boe­ing New­Gen Tanker will save Amer­i­can tax­pay­ers more than $10 bil­lion in fuel costs alone over its 40-year ser­vice life because it burns 24 per­cent less fuel. The Boe­ing tanker also will cost 15 to 20 per­cent less to main­tain than the A330, which means it will save tax­pay­ers hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars in main­te­nance costs. 

Nation­wide, the New­Gen Tanker will sup­port approx­i­mate­ly 50,000 total U.S. jobs with Boe­ing and more than 800 sup­pli­ers in more than 40 states. That is tens of thou­sands more jobs in the Unit­ed States than an Air­bus A330 tanker that is designed and large­ly man­u­fac­tured in Europe. 

Boe­ing has the capac­i­ty and capa­bil­i­ty to meet the pro­duc­tion rate at what­ev­er lev­el the Air Force deter­mines — with a low-risk approach to man­u­fac­tur­ing that relies on a trained and expe­ri­enced U.S. work force and exist­ing Boe­ing facil­i­ties in Wash­ing­ton state and Kansas. Boe­ing will use a proven and cost-effec­tive in-line pro­duc­tion sys­tem sim­i­lar to that used on the company’s suc­cess­ful P‑8 pro­gram for the U.S. Navy. 

In addi­tion to build­ing the U.S. Air Force KC-135 and KC-10 fleets, Boe­ing has deliv­ered four KC-767Js to the Japan Air Self-Defense Force and is on con­tract to deliv­er four KC-767As to the Ital­ian Air Force. 

To learn more about the New­Gen Tanker and Boeing’s bid for the KC‑X tanker com­pe­ti­tion, vis­it

A unit of The Boe­ing Com­pa­ny, Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty is one of the world’s largest defense, space and secu­ri­ty busi­ness­es spe­cial­iz­ing in inno­v­a­tive and capa­bil­i­ties-dri­ven cus­tomer solu­tions, and the world’s largest and most ver­sa­tile man­u­fac­tur­er of mil­i­tary air­craft. Head­quar­tered in St. Louis, Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty is a $34 bil­lion busi­ness with 68,000 employ­ees worldwide. 

# # #

William Barks­dale
Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty
Office: 314–232-0860
Mobile: 314–707-3294

Dan Beck
Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty
Office: 703–414-6447
Mobile: 562–243-7082

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