EU Foreign Affairs Council — Discussions in particular about Gaza, Iran and the Western Balkans

Mon­day, 14 June in Lux­em­bourg
For­eign min­is­ters will meet at 11.00 on Mon­day morn­ing to dis­cuss exter­nal rela­tions issues, focus­ing in par­tic­u­lar on Gaza, Iran and the West­ern Balka­ns. They will be joined over lunch (start­ing at 13.30) by Serge Bram­mertz, ICTY Chief Pros­e­cu­tor. They will also dis­cuss pira­cy off the coasts of Soma­lia in the pres­ence of Rear-Admi­ral Peter Hud­son, the out­go­ing com­man­der of oper­a­tion EU NAVFOR Ata­lan­ta. The Coun­cil is also expect­ed to dis­cuss or adopt con­clu­sions on oth­er issues includ­ing Cuba, Geor­gia, Sudan as well as child labour

The For­eign Affairs min­is­ters’ meet­ing will be pre­ced­ed by a meet­ing of devel­op­ment min­is­ters, begin­ning at 8.30 on Mon­day morn­ing, to dis­cuss the Mil­len­ni­um Devel­op­ment Goals as well as gen­der equal­i­ty and development.

A press con­fer­ence by HR Ash­ton will be held after the work­ing lunch. Com­mis­sion­er Piebal­gs is expect­ed to brief the press on devel­op­ment issues at +/-11.00.

Meet­ings on the side­lines of the Coun­cil
Mon­day, 14 June 2010 

  • EU-Gulf Coop­er­a­tion Coun­cil meeting
  • EU-Mon­tene­gro Asso­ci­a­tion Coun­cil meeting

Tues­day, 15 June 2010 

  • EU-ECOWAS min­is­te­r­i­al meeting
  • EU-Alge­ria Coop­er­a­tion Coun­cil meeting
  • EU-Lebanon Asso­ci­a­tion Coun­cil meeting
  • EU-Ukraine Coop­er­a­tion Coun­cil meeting
  • EU- Repub­lic of Moldo­va Coop­er­a­tion Coun­cil meeting.

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