Australien — Exercise High Sierra 2010

Exer­cise High Sier­ra con­duct­ed from 14 June to 2 July rep­re­sents the last three weeks of the F/A‑18 oper­a­tional con­ver­sion course, which con­verts fight­er pilots from the Hawk Mk127 Lead-in-fight­er air­craft to the F/A‑18 Hor­net.

Exercise High Sierra 2010
Three PC9 For­ward Air Con­trol air­craft from No.4 Squadron return to RAAF Base Townsville in for­ma­tion.
Source: Aus­tralian Depart­ment of Defence
Click to enlarge

Eight pilots from No. 2 Oper­a­tional Con­ver­sion Squadron, part of the RAAF’s Air Com­bat Group at RAAF Base Williamtown in New South Wales, are put through their paces dur­ing the Exer­cise pri­or to graduation. 

More than 150 Air Force per­son­nel, F/A‑18 Hor­net fight­er jets, PC9 for­ward air con­trol sup­port air­craft and Mk127 Hawk lead-in fight­ers will be at RAAF Base Townsville sup­port­ing the Exercise. 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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