Australien — Building Australian submarine maintenance industry capability

Greg Com­bet, Min­is­ter for Defence Materiel and Sci­ence, today con­grat­u­lat­ed ASC on their con­tin­ued com­mit­ment to build­ing the local sub­ma­rine indus­try in West­ern Aus­tralia.

“With the recent suc­cess­ful dock­ing of the first sub­ma­rine at Aus­tralian Marine Com­plex (AMC) in Hen­der­son, West­ern Aus­tralia, ASC have marked a key mile­stone for the $35 mil­lion pur­pose-built sub­ma­rine sup­port facil­i­ty,” said Mr Combet. 

“The estab­lish­ment and growth of indus­try bases in key Defence areas con­tin­ues to improve the capac­i­ty for indus­try part­ners to respond effi­cient­ly and effec­tive­ly to Defence requirements. 

“In addi­tion, this approach sup­ports the growth of asso­ci­at­ed, small to medi­um enter­pris­es. These com­pa­nies will form an inte­gral part of the nation-wide team that will main­tain our submarines. 

“ With this increase in capa­bil­i­ty ASC is now able to car­ry out main­te­nance on as many as three sub­marines at any one time. 

“The result­ing respon­sive­ness of the entire sys­tem demon­strates the ben­e­fits of Government’s com­mit­ment to build­ing local indus­try capa­bil­i­ty, for the defence of Aus­tralia, the pro­tec­tion of our sov­er­eign inter­ests and the secu­ri­ty and sta­bil­i­ty of our region,” Mr Com­bet said. 

ASC West cur­rent­ly employs around 185 people. 

Media con­tacts:
Rod Hilton (Greg Com­bet): 02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619
Defence Media Liai­son: 02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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