Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, today congratulated ASC on their continued commitment to building the local submarine industry in Western Australia.
“With the recent successful docking of the first submarine at Australian Marine Complex (AMC) in Henderson, Western Australia, ASC have marked a key milestone for the $35 million purpose-built submarine support facility,” said Mr Combet.
“The establishment and growth of industry bases in key Defence areas continues to improve the capacity for industry partners to respond efficiently and effectively to Defence requirements.
“In addition, this approach supports the growth of associated, small to medium enterprises. These companies will form an integral part of the nation-wide team that will maintain our submarines.
“ With this increase in capability ASC is now able to carry out maintenance on as many as three submarines at any one time.
“The resulting responsiveness of the entire system demonstrates the benefits of Government’s commitment to building local industry capability, for the defence of Australia, the protection of our sovereign interests and the security and stability of our region,” Mr Combet said.
ASC West currently employs around 185 people.
Media contacts:
Rod Hilton (Greg Combet): 02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619
Defence Media Liaison: 02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664
Press release
Ministerial Support and Public Affairs,
Department of Defence,
Canberra, Australia