Chief of Air Force Air Marshal (AIRMSHL) Mark Binskin today announced that the Air Force had directed a review into future training requirements at Evans Head.
In recent days there has been significant local media coverage regarding the future use of Evans Head Air Weapons Range.
Air Force currently uses the Evans Head range for F‑111 bombing training most weekdays. This training involves activating only part of the full Evans Head Air Weapons Range.
The F‑111s are being replaced with new F/A‑18F Super Hornets, which are also based at RAAF Amberley.
“I have directed that further consideration of reactivating the range for air to ground gunnery be suspended, pending a total review into future training requirements at Evans Head,” AIRMSHL Binskin said.
“The review is examining the detailed range requirements for Air Force’s new Super Hornets.
“Air Force values its relationship with the Evans Head community. This review will include extensive consultation with local and state authorities, recreational groups and industry in finding a balance between Defence requirements and community needs.”
There is no intention to close Evans Head Air Weapons Range. It remains an important military training facility supporting Australia’s air combat capability.
“Defence’s highest priority remains the safety of the public and the safe and effective conduct of training,” AIRMSHL Binskin said.
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Press release
Ministerial Support and Public Affairs,
Department of Defence,
Canberra, Australia