Afghanistan — No Australian, Afghan or Coalition troops wounded in rocket attack at Tarin Kowt

Tal­iban insur­gents launched three rock­ets at the Mul­ti Nation­al Base at Tarin Kowt in the ear­ly hours of Wednes­day the 28th of April.

No Aus­tralian per­son­nel were wound­ed in the rock­et attack. 

Two rock­ets missed the base with one land­ing close to local civil­ians in Tarin Kowt. There were no reports of injuries to civilians. 

The third land­ed inside the base, but explod­ed with­out dam­ag­ing equip­ment or wound­ing coali­tion soldiers. 

Rock­et attacks by insur­gents remain large­ly inef­fec­tive, although they con­tin­ues to place the lives of Afghan civil­ians, Afghan secu­ri­ty forces and coali­tion per­son­nel at risk. 

Media con­tact: Defence Media Liai­son: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664 

Aus­tralian Min­istry of Defence 

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