19th EU-Japan Summit Tokyo,
28 April 2010
Joint Press Statement
- Japan – EU cooperation in Afghanistan
- Bilateral cooperation
- Cooperation on global issues
- Cooperation on regional issues
Mr Yukio Hatoyama, Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and Mr José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, met in Tokyo on 28 April 2010 for the 19th Summit between Japan and the European Union (EU). Mr Katsuya Okada, Foreign Minister of Japan, Mr Masayuki Naoshima, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Baroness Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Mr Karel De Gucht, European Commissioner for Trade, also attended the Summit to assist their leaders.
As well as discussing Japan-EU bilateral relations, Summit leaders exchanged views on a number of key international questions. At the conclusion of the Summit, the leaders concurred that the discussions had been useful for charting a path for the future strengthening of the relationship. Summit leaders noted with satisfaction that they had been able to firm up Japan-EU common positions on important global and regional challenges facing the international community. In a number of areas, they were able to identify concrete short-term cooperation priorities.
The main points emerging from the Summit are summarised below. Further details are contained in the Annex.
Year of renewal: towards a more action-oriented partnership
1. Summit leaders reaffirmed their strong conviction that Japan and the EU are united by a shared commitment to fundamental values and principles, in particular, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. They are both also deeply committed to the market-based economy and to sustainable development.
2. Summit leaders recognised that 2010 is a year of renewal. Japan experienced a political renewal with its change of government in September 2009. With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty the EU has engaged in institutional renewal. They shared the view that this provided an opportunity to renew the Japan-EU relationship, to take it to a higher level and to strengthen cooperation.
3. Summit leaders welcomed the progress in developing Japan-EU relations since the last Summit. They underlined the potential of the relationship and stressed that there is much more to be done between Japan and the EU. Summit leaders stressed that Japan and the EU – as like-minded global partners and major economies – should systematically aim to work more closely together, both bilaterally and globally. They called for future Japan-EU cooperation to focus on developing and promoting common positions and on joint projects aiming at concrete results.
4. Summit leaders decided to establish a joint High-Level Group to identify options for the comprehensive strengthening of all aspects of Japan-EU relations and defining the framework for implementing it, building on the experience of the Joint Declaration of 1991 and the Action Plan of 2001.
5. In this context, the joint High-Level Group will conduct a joint examination of the ways to comprehensively strengthen and integrate the Japan-EU economic relationship addressing all issues of interest to both sides including, for instance, all tariffs, non-tariff measures, services, investment in services and non-services sectors, Intellectual Property Rights and government procurement.
6. At the Summit meeting in 2011, Summit leaders will decide on any appropriate next steps based on the outcome and the options for the further strengthening of Japan-EU political and economic relations identified by the joint High-Level Group.
Other concrete Japan-EU initiatives identified at the Summit
7. Summit leaders have identified the following initiatives which are concrete examples of the more action-oriented manner in which they wish to see Japan-EU cooperation develop in the future.