Somalia — Pirate Action Group disrupted due to excellent cooperation between EU NAVFOR and the Seychelles Coast Guard

On Sat­ur­day evening, 29 of May, the Sey­chelles Coast Guard dis­rupt­ed a Pirate Action Group, includ­ing a moth­er ship with 9 sus­pect­ed pirates on board and two fast attack skiffs, after being led to the tar­get by an EU NAVFOR mar­itime patrol air­craft from the Swedish Coast Guard.

EU NAVFOR Maritime Patroll Aircraft from the Swedish Coast Guard
EU NAVFOR Mar­itime Patroll Air­craft from the Swedish Coast Guard
Click to enlarge

On last Thurs­day, 27 May, an EU NAVFOR mar­itime patrol air­craft from the Swedish Coast Guard spot­ted a sus­pect­ed Pirate Action Group (PAG) about 500 nau­ti­cal miles east of the Soma­li coast. The PAG con­sist­ed of 1 whaler and 2 skiffs. At that time, no units were close enough to ver­i­fy and con­trol the vessels. 

On Sat­ur­day morn­ing, the PAG was relo­cat­ed some 250 nau­ti­cal miles north­east of the Sey­chelles. Thanks to the good coop­er­a­tion between EU NAVFOR and the Sey­chelles Coast Guard (SCG) com­bined with the use of the same sys­tem to com­mu­ni­cate, Mer­cury, the task could be eas­i­ly trans­ferred to SCG

On Sat­ur­day evening, the SCG Patrol Ship Topaz had caught up and could iden­ti­fy the sus­pect­ed pirate boats. After con­firm­ing that they had pirate para­pher­na­lia on board, 9 sus­pect­ed pirates were dis­armed and their two attack skiffs were destroyed. The sus­pect­ed pirates were then embarked in their moth­er ship (whaler) and released. 

EU NAVFOR Soma­lia – Oper­a­tion ATALANTA’s main tasks are to escort mer­chant ves­sels car­ry­ing human­i­tar­i­an aid of the World Food Pro­gramme (WFP) and ves­sels of African Union Mis­sion in Soma­lia, AMISOM and to pro­tect vul­ner­a­ble ves­sels in the Gulf of Aden and Indi­an Ocean and to deter and dis­rupt pira­cy. EU NAVFOR also mon­i­tors fish­ing activ­i­ty off the coast of Somalia. 

Press release

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