Korea — Airborne Copter of a Quiet Hissing Sound, to Wipe out the Enemy in a Flash

The recon­nais­sance bat­tal­ion under the 2nd Marine Divi­sion con­duct­ed a mil­i­tary drill to max­i­mize air-to-ground infil­tra­tion oper­a­tions capa­bil­i­ties with heli­copters and deep oper­a­tions abil­i­ty in an ene­my area for two days from Jan. 18.

Recon­nais­sance troops under the 2nd Divi­sion of the Marine Corps con­duct heli­copter rap­pel drill on Jan. 20 to improve their capa­bil­i­ty for per­form­ing not only air-to-ground infil­tra­tion mis­sions in the oper­a­tional area, but deep oper­a­tions in the ene­my area.
By Park Heung-bae
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The drill was focused on improv­ing the capa­bil­i­ty to be able to con­duct an air infil­tra­tion mis­sion with heli­copters in the deep ene­my area. The exer­cise also includ­ed a recon­nais­sance activ­i­ty whose main pur­pose was to comb and sweep the hid­den ene­my in the oper­a­tion area. 

The drill began with the recon­nais­sance sol­diers’ board­ing the heli­copter to mobi­lize imme­di­ate­ly. The trainees had received the infor­ma­tion that the sus­pi­cious-look­ing peo­ple were dis­cov­ered in the planned oper­a­tions space. In order to scour the hid­den ene­mies in the planned oper­a­tions area, the searchers were quick­ly car­ried by heli­copter there, and infil­trat­ed down there by fast rop­ing and rap­pelling. Through the recon­nais­sance train­ing, the sol­diers acquired how to search the hid­den ene­mies, keep the for­ma­tion in order, deal with the dis­cov­ered ene­mies, shoot guns, and exhib­it a hand signal. 

Dur­ing the three-day drill, the bat­tal­ion sol­diers acquired per­fect­ly var­i­ous air infil­tra­tion skills, such as the pro­ce­dure of board­ing heli­copters, fast rop­ing, and front-door, back-door, reverse­ly rap­pelling, through the inten­sive train­ing. What was spe­cial­ly note­wor­thy in the train­ing was the trainees’ increased self-con­fi­dence that a war must be won at any cost. That self-con­fi­dence came to be built up by skilling up tac­tics and tech­niques, and devel­op­ing mil­i­tant cast of mind. 

The bat­tal­ion also is slat­ed to con­duct a drill in cold snow­ing weath­er in a win­ter train­ing camp for five weeks from Jan. 31 to Mar. 2 in Pyeongchang, Gang­won. Sol­diers par­tic­i­pat­ing in the train­ing, through maneu­vers in a snow­ing field, a long march in full gear, and so on, are going to max­i­mize their capa­bil­i­ty to con­duct win­ter oper­a­tions and sur­vive a harsh situation. 

Min­istry of Nation­al Defense, Repub­lic of Korea 

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