Jordanian Armed Forces to Address Heavy Artillery and Fleet Upgrade Programmes

2nd August 2011 – Lon­don , UK 

Defence IQ has announced that Brigadier Gen­er­al Hus­sein R. Alab­bass, Direc­tor of Roy­al Artillery Direc­torate, Jor­dan­ian Armed Forces, is pre­sent­ing at the Future Artillery Mid­dle East con­fer­ence , tak­ing place 21st-23rd Novem­ber at the Four Sea­sons Hotel in Amman , Jor­dan .

As the fleet and artillery sys­tems are a vital part of the army’s role in main­tain­ing Jor­dan ’s peace­keep­ing and dis­as­ter relief role, Big Gen Alab­bass will analyse cur­rent deploy­ment of heavy artillery used by the Jor­dan­ian Army to uncov­er urgent require­ment gaps, and assess how to trans­form the fleet through 155 mm and 120 mm upgrade programmes. 

Jor­dan has faced many chal­lenges this year (See Asso­ci­at­ed Press arti­cle from USA Today’s web­site, Feb­ru­ary 2011), and it is vital to explore how its forces are dri­ving fire­pow­er pro­grammes to improve deploy­ment through opti­mi­sa­tion of muni­tions, radar, and inte­gra­tion technology. 

Oth­er coun­tries with­in and out­side the MENA-region such as Indone­sia, the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, Egypt, and Sau­di Ara­bia have also expressed an increased demand for mod­ernised, heavy artillery. For instance, Indone­sia is look­ing to upgrade its MLRS and WR-40 sys­tems, which Brigadier Gen­er­al Edi­wan Prabowo, Com­man­der Field Artillery, Indone­sian Army, will show­case as he joins Brig Gen Alab­bass on the Future Artillery Mid­dle East faculty. 

Oth­er speak­ers at the con­fer­ence will include: 

•  Brigadier Gen­er­al Jonathan A. Mad­dux , Pro­gramme Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, PEO Ammu­ni­tion , US Army 

•  Lieu­tenant Colonel Oliv­er Fort , Head of Doc­trine and Prospec­tive Stud­ies, Field Artillery School , French Army

•  Mark Stoop , Muni­tions and Guid­ed Weapons Pro­gramme Man­ag­er, TNO, Nether­lands

Future Artillery Mid­dle East will pro­vide insights into con­di­tions of the Mid­dle East­ern artillery mar­ket and gen­er­ate dis­cus­sions sur­round­ing mod­erni­sa­tion through upgrad­ed sys­tems and capa­bil­i­ties. Addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about the con­fer­ence pro­gramme is avail­able at , along with arti­cles, pod­casts, and videos in the down­load cen­tre .

Defence IQ invites all mil­i­tary and gov­ern­ment mem­bers to attend the con­fer­ence for free, by request­ing a pass from Johan­na Mikkela at

The Defence IQ Future Artillery LinkedIn Group is open for mem­ber­ship at .

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Johan­na Mikkela | IQPC, 2nd Floor, 129 Wilton Road , Lon­don SW1V 1JZ | Tel: +44 20 7368 9737 

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