India Not To Accept Any UN Resolution

Indi­an Defence Min­is­ter Krish­na Menon yes­ter­day threat­ened that the cease­fire agree­ment in Kash­mir would exist no longer if Pak­istan bartered away “India’s legal rights over Azad Kash­mir” to Chi­na.


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Mr Menon, who was address­ing a pub­lic meet­ing at Sapru House, said India has “nev­er abjured the use of force” though it has promised not to take the ini­tia­tive to change the present posi­tion in Kash­mir by force in spite of her “legal and moral right over the territory”. 

Let there be no illu­sion, he added, that the Indi­an Army would strike where and when nec­es­sary if Pak­istan com­mits aggres­sion against Kash­mir. Mr Menon alleged that the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil was com­mit­ting a vio­la­tion of the Unit­ed Nations Char­ter inas­much as the Kash­mir issue was con­cerned, and added that India would not accept any res­o­lu­tion of the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil if it tried to ques­tion India’s sov­er­eign­ty over Kashmir. 

He also crit­i­cised the Unit­ed States, Britain and Ghana which, he said, had sup­port­ed Pak­istan in call­ing a meet­ing of the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil to dis­cuss the Kash­mir prob­lem. Mr Menon blunt­ly changed ear­li­er Indi­an offers for nego­ti­a­tions with Pak­istan, and said India would nego­ti­ate only when it was recog­nised that acces­sion of Jam­mu and Kash­mir to India was final and irrev­o­ca­ble and that Pak­istan was not on equal sta­tus with India as it was an “aggres­sor”.

Mr Menon went a step fur­ther and said India would nev­er accept the divi­sion of Kash­mir which includ­ed not only Kash­mir, but also Hun­za and Gilgit. The ruler of Jam­mu and Kash­mir, who was the right­ful author­i­ty in 1947, had acced­ed to India, he claimed. 


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