India — Keltron Bags $1.3 Million Deal from DRDO Lab for Sonar Simulators

The Kochi-based DRDO lab Naval Phys­i­cal and Oceano­graph­ic Lab­o­ra­to­ry (NPOL) has award­ed Ker­ala State Elec­tron­ics Devel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion (KELTRON) the con­tract for the man­u­fac­ture and sup­ply of Sonar Sim­u­la­tors. The rough­ly $ 1.3 mil­lion deal will entail the man­u­fac­ture and sup­ply of Sonar Sim­u­la­tors which will be instru­men­tal in train­ing ship and sub­ma­rine oper­a­tors of Indi­an navy. 

Sonar Sim­u­la­tors
Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

The Sonar Sim­u­la­tors which KELTRON will man­u­fac­ture and sup­ply has actu­al­ly been designed by the DRDO lab NPOL itself. DRDO lab NPOL has bestowed var­i­ous advance­ments in naval sys­tems and helped India achieve tech­no­log­i­cal supe­ri­or­i­ty in naval and oceano­graph­ic fields and it’s appli­ca­tions. As for KELTRON, it has been pro­vid­ing a slew of naval sys­tems and prod­ucts to the Indi­an Navy since 1980’s.

Regard­ing the NPOL designed elec­tron­ic sim­u­la­tor with advanced fea­tures and tech­nol­o­gy, it will be man­u­fac­tured at the KELTRON unit near Kochi. The Sonar Sim­u­la­tor Sys­tem will be used at the var­i­ous Indi­an Navy cen­ters to train their operators. 

As for the modus operan­di, a ‘real life’ sce­nario will be con­jured by the sim­u­la­tor and it sim­i­lar com­mands and oper­at­ing tools will be used to make the inter­face user-friend­ly for the oper­a­tor. This will enable ease of oper­a­tion to the naval per­son­nel who will oper­ate the actu­al sys­tem on the ship or submarine. 

The sonar sys­tems which the DRDO lab NPOL has designed and cre­at­ed in the past has been cru­cial for naval ships and sub­marines to detect the oth­er ships, sub­marines, tor­pe­does, under water mis­siles, UAVs, etc. approach­ing them. The syn­er­gy between NPOL, KELTRON and the Indi­an Navy has been a major boost to indige­nous tech­nol­o­gy giv­en that all three of them lie with­in a span of 25 kilo­me­tres around the town of Kochi in Kerala. 

As for KELTRON which has bagged the deal, it has indi­cat­ed that the state-of-art sim­u­la­tor will be man­u­fac­tured at their Aroor Unit near Kochi. The ‘pow­er sup­plies and pow­er ampli­fiers’ required for man­u­fac­tur­ing Sonar sys­tems is being man­u­fac­tured by Kel­tron at its Karaku­lam Unit in Trivan­drum. The acoustic trans­duc­ers required to sense the sonar sig­nals are man­u­fac­tured in the Kut­tipu­ram Unit. KELTRON has already set up an exclu­sive Sonar Array Pro­duc­tion Shop at the Aroor Unit which is the only such facil­i­ty in India. 


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