Future Artillery — Event announcement by Defence iQ

Future Artillery: Bal­anc­ing Future Artillery Effec­tive­ness with Afford­abil­i­ty to Dri­ve For­ward Indi­rect Fire­pow­er on the Bat­tle­field of Today and Tomor­row

Future Artillery, tak­ing place 23rd — 25th March 2011 at Olympia Con­fer­ence Cen­tre, Lon­don, will gath­er togeth­er the world’s lead­ing artillery experts includ­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the UK Roy­al Artillery, US Army, US Marine Corps, Cana­di­an Armed Forces and the Brazil­ian Army to share knowl­edge about the lat­est lessons emerg­ing from Afghanistan, such as equip­ment feed­back on GMLRS, Excal­ibur, M777, PZH2000 and the CARDOM Mobile Mor­tar Sys­tem, along­side with dis­cus­sion about dif­fer­ent indi­rect-fire capa­bil­i­ties for­ward on an ever-decreas­ing bud­get.

In addi­tion to pre­sen­ta­tions and net­work­ing ses­sions, there are two brand new focus days on Pre­ci­sion Ammu­ni­tion and ISTAR, look­ing at US devel­op­ments of pre­ci­sion capa­bil­i­ties and key ISTAR pro­grammes (includ­ing the UK Watch­keep­er Tac­ti­cal UAV) respectively. 

View the agen­da at www.future-artillery.com.

Since you are a val­ued GlobalDefence.net mem­ber, you can get 15% off the stan­dard pric­ing — reg­is­ter online at www.future-artillery.com or con­tact Jit Siho­ta direct­ly at enquire@defenceiq.com or +44(0)207 368 9300 with dis­count code IGC_GD_DIS_#5.

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