Egypt orders three Airbus Military C295 aircraft

The Egypt­ian Air Force (EAF) signed a con­tract with Air­bus Mil­i­tary for the acqui­si­tion of three C295 air­craft. The air­craft are to be deliv­ered from 2011 and will be used to increase the Egypt­ian Air Force’s capac­i­ty in tac­ti­cal and logis­tic trans­port. The Egypt­ian Air Force here­with becomes a new Air­bus Mil­i­tary cus­tomer.

Air­bus Mil­i­tary C295 © Air­bus Mil­i­tary
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The Egypt­ian Air Force select­ed the C295 because of its ease of main­te­nance and proven oper­a­tional capa­bil­i­ties, espe­cial­ly in desert areas. Fur­ther­more, its ver­sa­til­i­ty and adapt­abil­i­ty to the most var­ied type of con­di­tions and oper­a­tions were anoth­er key ele­ment in the selec­tion of the Air­bus Mil­i­tary C295

Today, 85 C295 have been ordered by 13 cus­tomers, 64 of which are being oper­at­ed in 11 countries. 

About the C295

The new gen­er­a­tion C295 is the ide­al air­craft for defence and civic mis­sions to the ben­e­fit of soci­ety, such as human­i­tar­i­an actions, mar­itime patrol, envi­ron­men­tal sur­veil­lance mis­sions, amongst oth­ers. Thanks to its robust­ness and reli­a­bil­i­ty, and with sim­ple sys­tems, this medi­um sized tac­ti­cal air­lifter pro­vides wide ver­sa­til­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty, nec­es­sary for per­son­nel, troop and bulky/palletized car­go trans­porta­tion, casu­al­ty evac­u­a­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and logis­tic duties or cer­ti­fied air-drop­ping capabilities. 

Its mix of dual tech­nol­o­gy civil/military equip­ment ensure suc­cess on demand­ing tac­ti­cal mis­sions, growth poten­tial for future equip­ment as well as com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with the lat­est civ­il air­space envi­ron­ment. The C295 is part of Air­bus Military’s fam­i­ly of light and medi­um air­lifters which also include the small­er C212 and CN235 platforms. 

About Air­bus Mil­i­tary

Air­bus Mil­i­tary is the only mil­i­tary and civic trans­port air­craft man­u­fac­tur­er to devel­op, pro­duce, sell and sup­port a com­pre­hen­sive fam­i­ly of air­lifters rang­ing from three to 45 tonnes of payload. 

With­in Air­bus, Air­bus Mil­i­tary is respon­si­ble for the A400M pro­gramme, as well as the Mul­ti Role Tanker Trans­port (MRTT) A330 and for fur­ther mil­i­tary deriv­a­tives based on Air­bus civ­il air­craft. Togeth­er with the small­er C295, CN235 and C212, Air­bus Mil­i­tary is the glob­al leader in the mar­ket seg­ments for light and medi­um-sized mil­i­tary trans­port air­craft. Alto­geth­er Air­bus Mil­i­tary has sold more than 1,000 air­craft with more than 100 oper­a­tors worldwide. 


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