CASSIDIAN Launches Answer to “No Fault Found” Servicing Issue for Electro-optical Equipment

  • Mil­lions of pounds could be saved over life­time of equip­ment by remov­ing need for unnec­es­sary return and repair.
  • Deployed equip­ment remains in-ser­vice where troops need it.

15 Sep­tem­ber 2011 – Cas­sid­i­an launch­es the OLISE elec­tro-opti­cal tester at DSEi in Lon­don this week. 

A recent inter­nal study by Cas­sid­i­an esti­mat­ed that on a land plat­form fleet of 450 vehi­cles a sin­gle Line Replace­able Unit (LRU) type could be expect­ed to incur £4million of unnec­es­sary No Fault Found (NFF) costs over a 7 year life. Stud­ies from the civ­il avi­a­tion indus­try have shown that between 20%-60% of elec­tron­ic units returned for repair are typ­i­cal­ly NFF

The answer is “Gold stan­dard screen­ing”. This involves tak­ing a ful­ly func­tion­al “Gold stan­dard” item, and “learn­ing” how it should func­tion under var­i­ous con­di­tions. Equip­ment sus­pect­ed to be faulty can then be screened against the behav­iour of the Gold stan­dard with­out the need for access to com­plex test equipment. 

One such “Gold stan­dard” screen­ing sys­tem is Cassidian’s elec­tro-opti­cal tester – OLISE — intend­ed pri­mar­i­ly for use in test­ing small­er opto-elec­tron­ic sys­tems crit­i­cal to live oper­a­tions: gog­gles, vis­i­ble and infrared cam­eras, laser rangers and des­ig­na­tors, sights and image inten­si­fiers. The equip­ment can also be used to test opti­cal sys­tems on air­craft with­out the need to remove the equipment. 

Designed espe­cial­ly for deploy­ment in small, local work­shops the sys­tem is a field trans­portable device offer­ing reduced stor­age space and in field logistics. 


Cas­sid­i­an, an EADS com­pa­ny, is a world­wide leader in glob­al secu­ri­ty solu­tions and sys­tems, pro­vid­ing Lead Sys­tems Inte­gra­tion and val­ue-added prod­ucts and ser­vices to civ­il and mil­i­tary cus­tomers around the globe: air sys­tems (air­craft and unmanned aer­i­al sys­tems), land, naval and joint sys­tems, intel­li­gence and sur­veil­lance, cyber secu­ri­ty, secure com­mu­ni­ca­tions, test sys­tems, mis­siles, ser­vices and sup­port solu­tions. In 2010, Cas­sid­i­an – with around 28,000 employ­ees – achieved rev­enues of € 5.9 bil­lion. EADS is a glob­al leader in aero­space, defence and relat­ed ser­vices. In 2010, the Group – com­pris­ing Air­bus, Astri­um, Cas­sid­i­an and Euro­copter – gen­er­at­ed rev­enues of € 45.8 bil­lion and employed a work­force of more than 121,000.

CASSIDIAN – Defend­ing World Security 

Deb­o­rah Wad­don
Tel.: +44 (0)1 633 715 447
Mob.: +44 79 19 69 64 43

Sean Tre­gonning
Tel.: +44 (0)7796 190 083
Cas­sid­i­an Press cen­tre:

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