Bradley Urban Survivability Kits installed early, under budget

WARREN, Mich. — Bradley A3 Fight­ing Vehi­cles assigned to units sta­tioned in the Repub­lic of Korea became the lat­est in the fleet to receive the Bradley Urban Sur­viv­abil­i­ty Kit III upgrades, last week.

Col. Ross David­son, com­man­der of the 1st Brigade Com­bat Team, 2nd Infantry Divi­sion, poss­es for a group pho­to with the BAE Sys­tems BUSK III Mod­i­fi­ca­tion team. The BUSK III instal­la­tion team was able to com­plete their mis­sion of enhanc­ing the Bradley Fight­ing Vehi­cles of the 1st Brigade and the Army Mate­r­i­al Com­mand pre-posi­tioned stock, a month ahead of time and 20 per­cent under bud­get.
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Armored Vehicles, Main Battle Tanks
Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about Armored Vehi­cles and Main Bat­tle Tanks 

The Bradley Urban Sur­viv­abil­i­ty Kit III, or BUSK III, Mod­i­fi­ca­tion Work Order, knows as an MWO, appli­ca­tion mis­sion began in Korea for the 1st Brigade Com­bat Team, 2nd Infantry Divi­sion, and Army Materiel Com­mand pre-posi­tioned stocks in Jan­u­ary of this year and con­clud­ed on June 4th, a month ahead of schedule. 

“The team involved did an amaz­ing job when you con­sid­er the sta­tis­tics,” said Lt. Col. Glenn Dean, who serves as prod­uct man­ag­er for Bradley. “Our BUSK III instal­la­tion team applied approx­i­mate­ly 2,400 total MWOs and repairs on 236 Bradley Fight­ing Vehi­cles, fin­ish­ing a month ear­li­er than pro­ject­ed and 20 per­cent under bud­get. That con­sti­tutes rough­ly $700,000 in savings.” 

The BUSKs are designed to allow the Army’s infantry fight­ing vehi­cle to bet­ter adapt to the rig­ors of urban com­bat. BUSK III incor­po­rates four mod­i­fi­ca­tions includ­ing a blast-proof fuel cell, a blast-resis­tant dri­ver seat, a tur­ret sur­viv­abil­i­ty sys­tem, and an emer­gency ramp release. 

The team was able to save time and mon­ey by bundling oth­er pend­ing MWOs while installing BUSK III on the vehi­cles. Mod­i­fi­ca­tions applied in addi­tion to the four BUSK III MWOs were elec­tri­cal ground improve­ments, a fire sup­pres­sion guard improve­ment, an auto­mat­ic fire sup­pres­sion sys­tem con­trol pan­el switch guard, and a hot­box pro­tec­tion sys­tem enhance­ment. The instal­la­tion team also con­duct­ed check and repair activ­i­ties which addressed the con­trol pan­el retro­fit, track adjuster, driver’s hatch bear­ings and gen­er­a­tor re-torque. 

“Events like this demon­strate the best of both worlds. Oper­a­tional­ly, our teams installed crit­i­cal force pro­tec­tion enhance­ments to the Bradley A3 which will allow our forces to main­tain bat­tle­field dom­i­nance well into the future. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, we did it ahead of sched­ule and well below cost. The BUSK III team did a mar­velous job,” said Col. William Shee­hy, project man­ag­er for the Army’s Heavy Brigade Com­bat Team. 

After fin­ish­ing work in Korea the BUSK III instal­la­tion team will now move to Fort Car­son, Colo., to begin ser­vic­ing the 4th Infantry Divi­sions Bradley’s.

BUSK instal­la­tion is man­aged by the Army’s Prod­uct Man­ag­er for Bradley and Armored Knight which falls under lead­er­ship of the PM Heavy Brigade Com­bat Team with­in the Pro­gram Exec­u­tive Office for Ground Com­bat Systems. 

U.S. Army 

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