Australia — Soldiers drop in to Exercise Hamel 2010

MORE than 200 para­troop­ers from the 3rd Bat­tal­ion, Roy­al Aus­tralian Reg­i­ment (3RAR), dropped in to Exer­cise Hamel 2010, near Char­ters Tow­ers, west of Townsville, Queens­land, this morn­ing.

Major Giles Cor­nelia, Oper­a­tions Offi­cer 3RAR, said the para­chute inser­tion was a part of Exer­cise Hamel 2010, and demon­strat­ed the capa­bil­i­ty of the Aus­tralian Army’s Air­borne Com­bat Team.

“The sig­nif­i­cance of this jump is that it demon­strates our readi­ness to oper­ate in the defence of Aus­tralia and its inter­ests,” Major Cor­nelia said.

The jump was also a test of sol­diers’ courage and skill.

“A para­chute inser­tion is a mix­ture of appre­hen­sion and a degree of exhil­a­ra­tion upon exit. The lev­el of train­ing and con­fi­dence in our para­troop­ers is par­tic­u­lar­ly high, due in part to the rig­ors of the basic para­chute course at Nowra, NSW, but also because of fre­quent indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive train­ing activ­i­ties,” Major Cor­nelia said.

The para­troop­ers were flown to the drop zone by RAAF C‑130 and C‑17 aircraft.

Exer­cise Hamel 2010 is designed to enhance the Army’s abil­i­ty to fight and oper­ate in a mod­ern, com­plex bat­tle­space, and involves 6000 per­son­nel from the Army, Navy and Air Force. 

It will test the com­bat capa­bil­i­ty of Army’s 3rd Brigade, and is the first exer­cise for the new­ly formed Forces Command.

“Exer­cise Hamel is the foun­da­tion war-fight­ing exer­cise that is the focus of the Aus­tralian Army this year. It is an exer­cise designed to test and eval­u­ate the units and the for­ma­tion par­tic­i­pat­ing, to the high­est lev­els of con­fi­dence,” Major Cor­nelia said. 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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