Australia — Chief of Air Force visits Operation Pakistan Assist II

Chief of Air Force, Air Mar­shal Mark Bin­skin, AO, has trav­elled to Pak­istan to get a first hand look at Aus­tralian relief efforts in the flood affect­ed coun­try.

Joined by Aus­tralian High Com­mis­sion­er to Pak­istan, Mr Tim George, and Deputy Chief of Navy, Rear Admi­ral Davyd Thomas, Air Mar­shal Bin­skin took time to speak to the Defence and civil­ian per­son­nel deployed on Oper­a­tion Pak­istan Assist II. Almost 100 Air Force per­son­nel have deployed to Pak­istan as part of Australia’s efforts to sup­port Pak­istan dur­ing its time of need. 

Air Mar­shal Bin­skin was giv­en a tour of the Camp Cock­a­too health facil­i­ty at Kot Addu, includ­ing vis­it­ing the day wards, pathol­o­gy, phar­ma­cy and the new Air Force Dig­i­tal Imag­ing X‑Ray sys­tem — the first deploy­ment of this sys­tem over­seas, which has great­ly enhanced the capa­bil­i­ty to pro­duce bet­ter qual­i­ty imag­ing for patients. 

The Chief of Air Force said the vis­it was an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to view the Air Force’s deploy­able health capa­bil­i­ty in action and to per­son­al­ly thank the Air Force-led mil­i­tary team for their efforts. 

The per­son­nel of the Aus­tralian Med­ical Task Force are pro­vid­ing an enor­mous help­ing hand to local res­i­dents who have lost so much”, Air Mar­shal Bin­skin said. 

The vic­tims of this dis­as­ter have time and again shown their grat­i­tude to our peo­ple through their smiles and tears.” 

Each mem­ber of the Op Pak­istan Assist II should be proud as I am of their efforts – well done.” 

Dur­ing the vis­it to Pak­istan, Air Mar­shal Bin­skin also met Air Chief Mar­shal Rao Qamar Sule­man HI(M), S Bt, Chief of the Air Staff, Pak­istan Air Force and Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), ADML Noman Bashir NI(M).

The suc­cess of Oper­a­tion Pak­istan Assist II is due to the close coop­er­a­tion with the Pak­istan Armed Forces,” Air Mar­shal Bin­skin said. 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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