Amphibious Operations 2011 to Provide Briefings From the Indian Navy, US Marine Corps, Navy Command HQ, US Navy and Royal Marines

Mil­i­tary per­son­nel from naval forces in the UK, India, US, Turkey, Italy, Swe­den, Philip­pines and Nether­lands will gath­er at Defence IQ’s 2nd Amphibi­ous Oper­a­tions con­fer­ence in Lon­don this Novem­ber

Amphibi­ous oper­a­tions ( ) con­tin­ue to be a lynch­pin of mod­ern war­fare. The abil­i­ty to rapid­ly and effec­tive­ly project pow­er from sea to shore is a fun­da­men­tal mil­i­tary capa­bil­i­ty, as shown most recent­ly by Oper­a­tion Uni­fied Protector. 

Amphibi­ous Oper­a­tions 2011 ( ) will inves­ti­gate fun­da­men­tal areas of focus with oper­a­tional feed­back from inter­na­tion­al amphibi­ous forces including: 

•  Com­modore Sujeet Samad­dar (ret), For­mer Prin­ci­ple Direc­tor Plans, Indi­an Navy 

•  Lieu­tenant Gen­er­al Richard Mills, Com­man­der, Marine Corps Com­bat Devel­op­ment Com­mand, US Marine Corps 

•  Major Gen­er­al Tim­o­thy Han­i­fen, Direc­tor, Expe­di­tionary War­fare Divi­sion (N85), US Navy 

•  Brigadier Paul Den­ning, Assis­tant Chief of Staff Land and Lit­toral Manoeu­vre, Navy Com­mand HQ 

•  Colonel Haydn White, Deputy Com­man­der, 3 Com­man­do Brigade, Roy­al Marines 

Amphibi­ous Oper­a­tions ( ) will pro­vide an overview of cur­rent capa­bil­i­ties and require­ments in the chang­ing nature of amphibi­ous oper­a­tions and the lat­est devel­op­ments in amphibi­ous plat­forms and sup­port­ing tech­nol­o­gy includ­ing high speed ship to shore con­nec­tors, unmanned sys­tems and mine coun­ter­mea­sures. Del­e­gates can also attend an inter­ac­tive work­shop led by Dr Tim Ben­bow, Senior Lec­tur­er at the Defence Acad­e­my on train­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of amphibi­ous oper­a­tions officer. 

The Amphibi­ous Oper­a­tions media cen­tre fea­tures exclu­sive pod­casts with Patrick Spring , Pro­gramme Man­ag­er and Expe­di­tionary War­fare Cus­tomer Advo­cate at the Naval Sur­face War­fare Cen­tre Pana­ma City and Col (ret) Vince Gould­ing, for­mer US infantry Marine, and now Direc­tor of the Exper­i­ment Divi­sion at the Marine Corps Warfight­ing Lab. ( )

Amphibi­ous Oper­a­tions ( ) will be held on 28th-30th Novem­ber in London . 

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