USAUS Military contracts for FY12


Tac­ti­cal & Sur­vival Spe­cial­ties, Inc.*, Har­rison­burg, Va., was issued a mod­i­fi­ca­tion exer­cis­ing the sec­ond option year on con­tract SPM8EJ-09-D-0001/P00016. The award is a firm-fixed-price con­tract with a max­i­mum $5,680,898,304 for deliv­ery of items sup­port­ed by the Spe­cial Oper­a­tional equip­ment, tai­lored Logis­tics Sup­port Pro­gram. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vices are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and fed­er­al civil­ian agen­cies. There were 14 respons­es to the Web solic­i­ta­tion. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2011 Defense Work­ing Cap­i­tal Funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is March 9, 2013. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

W.S. Dar­ley & Co.*, Itas­ca, Ill., was issued a mod­i­fi­ca­tion exer­cis­ing the sec­ond option year on con­tract SPM8EJ-09-D-0002/P00015. The award is a firm-fixed-price con­tract with a max­i­mum $5,622,398,304 for deliv­ery of items sup­port­ed by the Spe­cial Oper­a­tional equip­ment, tai­lored Logis­tics Sup­port Pro­gram. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vices are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and fed­er­al civil­ian agen­cies. There were 14 respons­es to the Web solic­i­ta­tion. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2011 Defense Work­ing Cap­i­tal Funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is March 9, 2013. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Source One Dis­trib­u­tors, Inc.*, Welling­ton, Fla., was issued a mod­i­fi­ca­tion exer­cis­ing the sec­ond option year on con­tract SPM8EJ-09-D-0004/P00017. The award is a firm-fixed-price con­tract with a max­i­mum $5,470,398,304 for deliv­ery of items sup­port­ed by the Spe­cial Oper­a­tional equip­ment, tai­lored Logis­tics Sup­port Pro­gram. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vices are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and fed­er­al civil­ian agen­cies. There were 14 respons­es to the Web solic­i­ta­tion. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2011 Defense Work­ing Cap­i­tal Funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is March 9, 2013. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Atlantic Div­ing Sup­ply*, Vir­ginia Beach, Va., was issued a mod­i­fi­ca­tion exer­cis­ing the sec­ond option year on con­tract SPM8EJ-09-D-0003/P00017. The award is a firm-fixed-price con­tract with a max­i­mum $4,316,398,304 for deliv­ery of items sup­port­ed by the Spe­cial Oper­a­tional equip­ment, tai­lored Logis­tics Sup­port Pro­gram. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vices are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and fed­er­al civil­ian agen­cies. There were 14 respons­es to the Web solic­i­ta­tion. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2011 Defense Work­ing Cap­i­tal Funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is March 9, 2013. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Vital Images, Inc., Min­neton­ka, Minn., was issued a mod­i­fi­ca­tion exer­cis­ing the first option year on con­tract SPM2D1-11-D-8342/P00003. The award is a fixed-price with eco­nom­ic price adjust­ment con­tract with a max­i­mum $12,000,000 for radi­ol­o­gy sys­tems, sub­sys­tems, and com­po­nents. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vices are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and fed­er­al civil­ian agen­cies. There were 43 respons­es to the Web solic­i­ta­tion. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2012/2013 Defense Work­ing Cap­i­tal Funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Jan. 31, 2013. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Unit­ed Tech­nolo­gies Corp., East Hart­ford, Conn., was award­ed a firm-fixed-price, sole-source con­tract with a max­i­mum $7,264,529 for F‑100 rotor com­pres­sor. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vice is Air Force. There was one solic­i­ta­tion with one response. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2014 oper­a­tion and main­te­nance funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is May 30, 2014. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Avi­a­tion, Tin­ker Air Force Base, Okla., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SPRTA1-09-G-0001–0300).


Insi­tu, Inc., Bin­gen, Wash., is being award­ed a $41,090,719 ceil­ing priced mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed firm-fixed-price con­tract (N00019-11-C-0061) to exer­cise an option for oper­a­tional and main­te­nance ser­vices in sup­port of the ScanEa­gle unmanned aer­i­al sys­tems. These ser­vices will pro­vide elec­tro-opti­cal/in­fra red and mid-wave infrared imagery in sup­port of land-based oper­a­tions in Oper­a­tion Endur­ing Free­dom to pro­vide real-time imagery and data. Work will be per­formed in Bin­gen, Wash., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Feb­ru­ary 2013. Con­tract funds in the amount of $41,090,719 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

CGI Fed­er­al, Inc., sub­sidiary of CGI Tech­nolo­gies and Solu­tions, Inc., Fair­fax, Va., is being award­ed a $28,206,792 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract for infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy sup­port ser­vices for the Joint Strike Fight Pro­gram Office. Work will be per­formed in Arling­ton, Va. (70.49 per­cent); Rosa­mond, Calif. (8.57 per­cent); Patux­ent Riv­er, Md. (7.62 per­cent); Ridge­crest, Calif. (2.86 per­cent); Day­ton, Ohio (2.86 per­cent); Point Mugu, Calif. (1.90 per­cent); Val­paraiso, Fla. (1.90 per­cent); Fort Worth, Texas (1.90 per­cent); and Jack­sonville, Fla. (1.90 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Jan­u­ary 2013. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured pur­suant to FAR 6.302–1. Con­tract funds in the amount of $3,520,000 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Divi­sion, Lake­hurst, N.J., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N68335-12-C-0119).

L‑3 Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Ver­tex Aero­space, L.L.C., Madi­son, Miss., is being award­ed a $23,959,388 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed firm-fixed-price, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery require­ments con­tract (N00019-11-D-0024) to exer­cise an option for con­trac­tor logis­tics sup­port and Air­craft Inter­me­di­ate Main­te­nance Depart­ment (AIMD) sup­port for the T‑39 Under­grad­u­ate Mil­i­tary Flight Offi­cer (UMFO) Train­ing Pro­gram. This effort includes sup­port of the UMFO gov­ern­ment-owned T‑39N and T‑39G air­craft and asso­ci­at­ed equip­ment, includ­ing orga­ni­za­tion­al and depot lev­el repair. In addi­tion, this pro­vides inter­me­di­ate lev­el main­te­nance and sup­port for Chief of Naval Air Train­ing air­craft, tran­sient air­craft, ten­ant, and oth­er ser­vices activ­i­ties at the Naval Air Sta­tion (NAS) Pen­saco­la, Fla., and NAS Cor­pus Christi, Texas, and sur­round­ing areas through the AIMD. Work will be per­formed in Pen­saco­la, Fla. (75 per­cent), and Cor­pus Christi, Texas (25 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2012. No funds are being oblig­at­ed at time of award and will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

The Boe­ing Co., Boe­ing Defense, Space and Secu­ri­ty, St. Louis, Mo., is being award­ed a $12,444,077 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed firm-fixed-price con­tract (N68335-10-C-0491) to exer­cise an option for the man­u­fac­ture, test, and deliv­ery of six AN/USM-702 recon­fig­urable trans­portable con­sol­i­dat­ed auto­mat­ed sup­port sys­tems and three self main­te­nance and test cal­i­bra­tion inter­face devices. Work will be per­formed in St. Louis, Mo. (58 per­cent); North Read­ing, Mass. (40 per­cent); and Still­wa­ter, Okla. (2 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in April 2013. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Divi­sion, Lake­hurst, N.J., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

The Boe­ing Co., St. Louis, Mo., is being award­ed an $8,261,510 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed firm-fixed-price con­tract (N00019-10-C-0030) to pro­cure an addi­tion­al 700 pre­ci­sion laser guid­ance set kits for the Air Force. Work will be per­formed in Haifa, Israel (37 per­cent); Fort Worth, Texas (32 per­cent); and St. Charles, Mo. (31 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in August 2012. Con­tract funds in the amount of $1,357,246 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 


Wash­ing­ton Met­ro­pol­i­tan Area Tran­sit, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is being award­ed a $15,000,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract to pro­vide fund­ing for Depart­ment of Defense trans­porta­tion ben­e­fits for its employ­ees. Work will be per­formed in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Sept. 30, 2016. Wash­ing­ton Head­quar­ters Ser­vice is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (HQ0034-12-A-001‑0002).


Novar­tis Vac­cines and Diag­nos­tics, Inc., Cam­bridge, Mass., is being award­ed a $14,189,4020 tech­nol­o­gy invest­ment agree­ment. The goal of this agree­ment is for Novar­tis to per­form a research and devel­op­ment pro­gram designed to devel­op a self-repli­cat­ing RNA vac­cine plat­form. Work will be per­formed in Cam­bridge, Mass. Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Novem­ber 2015. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (HR0011-12–3‑0001).

*Small business 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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