USAUS Military contracts for FY11


     Lock­heed Mar­tin Mis­siles and Fire Con­trol, Orlan­do, Fla., is being award­ed a $841,500,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for Sniper tar­get­ing pod sen­sor enhance­ment on hard­ware and soft­ware upgrades and asso­ci­at­ed host plat­form inte­gra­tion, ini­tial spares, tech­ni­cal man­u­al and tech­ni­cal orders, repair data, stud­ies and spares recap­i­tal­iza­tion, and sup­port the standup of organ­ic depot repair require­ments for the sus­tain­ment of the lega­cy Sniper pod fleet. ASC/WNQK, Wright Pat­ter­son Air Force Base, Ohio, is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8626-12-D-2138)


     Hess Corp., Wood­bridge, N.J., was issued a mod­i­fi­ca­tion on the cur­rent con­tract SP0600-11-D-8540/P00006. The award is a fixed-price with eco­nom­ic price adjust­ment con­tract with a max­i­mum $52,329,648 for heat­ing oil. Oth­er loca­tion of per­for­mance is Con­necti­cut. Using ser­vice is Depart­ment of Ener­gy. There were 74 solic­i­ta­tions made with three respons­es. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is Depart­ment of Ener­gy using fis­cal 2012. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Dec. 31, 2011. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Ener­gy, Fort Belvoir, Va., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

     Sysco Seat­tle, Inc., Kent, Wash., was award­ed bridge con­tract SPM300-2-D-3506.The award is a firm-fixed-price, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty, sole-source con­tract with a max­i­mum $44,018,857 for prime ven­dor full line food ser­vice distribution.There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vice is Navy. This com­pe­ti­tion was Web-solicit­ed with one response. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is man­u­al fund­ing using fis­cal 2012 funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Nov. 3, 2012. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

     Glob­al Mon­tel­lo Group, L.L.C.*, Waltham, Mass., was issued a mod­i­fi­ca­tion on the cur­rent con­tract SP0600-11-D-8523/P00008. The award is a fixed-price with eco­nom­ic price adjust­ment con­tract with a max­i­mum $32,496,030 for heat­ing oil. Oth­er loca­tion of per­for­mance is Boston Har­bor, Mass. Using ser­vice is Depart­ment of Ener­gy. There were 74 solic­i­ta­tions made with three respons­es. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is Depart­ment of Ener­gy using fis­cal 2012. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Dec. 31, 2011. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Ener­gy, Fort Belvoir, Va., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

     Sysco Seat­tle, Inc., Kent, Wash., was award­ed bridge con­tract SPM300-2-D-3504.The award is a firm-fixed-price, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty, sole-source con­tract with a max­i­mum $20,632,598 for prime ven­dor full line food ser­vice distribution.There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vices are Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. This com­pe­ti­tion was Web-solicit­ed with one response. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is man­u­al fund­ing using fis­cal 2012 funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Nov. 3, 2012. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

     US Food­ser­vice Baltimore/Washington Divi­sion, Sev­ern, Md., was award­ed bridge con­tract SPM300-2-D-3491. The award is a firm-fixed-price, sole-source con­tract with a max­i­mum $14,941,540 for prime ven­dor full line food ser­vice dis­tri­b­u­tion. Oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance are through­out the Mid-Atlantic North Region. Using ser­vices are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Job Corps. This com­pe­ti­tion was Web-solicit­ed with one response. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is man­u­al fund­ing using fis­cal 2012 funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Nov. 10, 2012. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 


     Ser­co, Inc., Reston, Va. (N0189-12-D-Z004); Booz Allen Hamil­ton, McLean, Va. (N00189-10-D-Z005); and Sys­tems Plan­ning and Analy­sis, Alexan­dria, Va. (N00189-10-D-Z006), are each being award­ed cost-plus-fixed-fee, indef­i­nite-quan­ti­ty, mul­ti­ple award con­tracts to pro­vide pro­fes­sion­al, tech­ni­cal and admin­is­tra­tive sup­port ser­vices for the Deputy Chief of Naval Oper­a­tions (DCNO) N1 and the Chief of Per­son­nel (CNP) in the exe­cu­tion of that office’s respon­si­bil­i­ties for over­all man­pow­er readi­ness of the Navy.The CNP addi­tion­al­ly over­sees the oper­a­tions of the Bureau of Naval Per­son­nel, Navy Per­son­nel Com­mand, and the Navy Man­pow­er Analy­sis Cen­ter. Work to be per­formed under this con­tract will sup­port the Office of the Chief of Naval Oper­a­tions (OPNAV) N1 and oth­er Navy orga­ni­za­tions as their require­ments apply to Navy man­pow­er, per­son­nel, train­ing and edu­ca­tion (MPTE). The con­trac­tor shall sup­port the DCNO regard­ing all Capi­tol Hill relat­ed duties, includ­ing all con­gres­sion­al tes­ti­mo­ny for mat­ters per­tain­ing to MPTE in the Navy. The con­trac­tor shall sup­port the OPNAV N1 staff as the lead orga­ni­za­tion to inter­face with the Depart­ment of Defense, and Depart­ment of the Navy pri­vate orga­ni­za­tions with respect to Navy MPTE issues. The con­trac­tor shall pro­vide sup­port to OPNAV N1 for all plan­ning, pro­gram­ming, pol­i­cy, and exe­cu­tion of man­pow­er, per­son­nel, train­ing, and edu­ca­tion activ­i­ties in order to pro­vide the Navy oper­at­ing forces with trained per­son­nel to sup­port the mis­sions assigned by the Nation­al Com­mand Author­i­ty. Ser­co is being award­ed $15,205,422; if options are exer­cised, the val­ue will be $47,033,963. Booz Allen Hamil­ton is being award­ed $12,349,047; if options are exer­cised, the val­ue will be $37,933,240. Sys­tems Plan­ning and Analy­sis is being award­ed $18,076,417; if options are exer­cised, the val­ue will be $55,387,236.Work will be per­formed pre­dom­i­nant­ly in Arling­ton Va., but may include task­ing in oth­er des­ig­nat­ed areas as nec­es­sary to sup­port the require­ments. Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Nov. 7, 2012. With options exer­cised, work will con­tin­ue through Novem­ber 2014. Fis­cal 2012 Oper­a­tions Main­te­nance & Navy con­tract funds will not expire before the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. These con­tracts were award­ed through full and open com­pe­ti­tion via a request for pro­pos­als, with five offers received, three awards made. Naval Sup­ply Sys­tems Com­mand, Fleet Logis­tics Com­mand Nor­folk, Philadel­phia Office, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

     ERAPSCO, Inc., Colum­bia City, Ind., is being award­ed a $15,625,905 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed firm-fixed-price, per­for­mance-based con­tract (N00421-11-C-0030) to exer­cise options for the pro­duc­tion of 3,544 AN/SSQ-36B sonobuoys and 8,588 AN/SSQ-62E sonobuoys for the U.S. Navy (3,500 AN/SSQ-36; 8,500 AN/SSQ-62) and for the Taipei Eco­nom­ic and Cul­tur­al Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Office in the Unit­ed States (44 AN/SSQ-36; 88 AN/SSQ-62) for train­ing sup­port. Work will be per­formed in DeLeon Springs, Fla. (53 per­cent), and Colum­bia City, Ind. (47 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in April 2014. Con­tract funds in the amount of $57,219 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract com­bines pur­chase for the U.S. Navy ($15,461,160; 98.9 per­cent), and the Taipei Eco­nom­ic and Cul­tur­al Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Office in the Unit­ed States ($164,745; 1.1 per­cent) under the For­eign Mil­i­tary Sales Pro­gram. The Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Divi­sion, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

     Applied Phys­i­cal Sci­ences Corp., Gro­ton, Conn., is being award­ed a $13,523,207 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract (N66001-11-C-4115) for the devel­op­ment of an anti-sub­ma­rine war­fare sur­veil­lance capa­bil­i­ty that oper­ates at extreme ocean depths to detect sub­marines. The exer­cis­ing of this 13-month option brings the cumu­la­tive val­ue of this con­tract to an esti­mat­ed $16,368,270. Work will be per­formed in Arling­ton, Va., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed Dec. 8, 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Broad Agency Announce­ment, num­ber 11–24, pub­lished via the Fed­er­al Busi­ness Oppor­tu­ni­ties web­site, with 16 offers received. The Space and Naval War­fare Sys­tems Cen­ter Pacif­ic, San Diego, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

     The Boe­ing Co., St. Louis, Mo., is being award­ed a $7,887,154 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed cost-plus-fixed-fee, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract (N00019-09-D-0010) to exer­cise an option for in-ser­vice sup­port for F/A‑18 air­craft of the gov­ern­ments of Switzer­land, Fin­land, Cana­da, Kuwait, Malaysia, Aus­tralia, and Spain. Ser­vices to be pro­vid­ed include pro­gram man­age­ment, logis­tics, engi­neer­ing sup­port, inci­den­tal mate­ri­als, and tech­ni­cal data. Work will be per­formed in St. Louis, Mo., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Decem­ber 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract com­bines pur­chas­es for the gov­ern­ments of Switzer­land ($2,423,940; 30.7 per­cent); Fin­land ($1,804,000; 22.9 per­cent); Cana­da ($925,000; 11.7 per­cent); Kuwait ($919,250; 11.7 per­cent); Malaysia ($919,250; 11.7 per­cent); Aus­tralia ($490,800; 6.2 per­cent); and Spain ($404,914; 5.1 per­cent), under the For­eign Mil­i­tary Sales Pro­gram. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

*Small busi­ness

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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