USAUS Military contracts for FY11


     Unit­ed Tech­nolo­gies Corp., Pratt & Whit­ney, Mil­i­tary Engines, East Hart­ford, Conn., is being award­ed a $75,000,000 indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract for stud­ies asso­ci­at­ed with the F135 propul­sion sys­tem. Ser­vices to be pro­vid­ed include engi­neer­ing, pro­gram­mat­ic, and logis­tics tasks relat­ed to the Joint Strike Fight­er (JSF) F135 propul­sion sys­tem for U.S. ser­vices, JSF inter­na­tion­al part­ners, and for­eign mil­i­tary sales coun­tries, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to: inves­ti­ga­tions and stud­ies of the fea­si­bil­i­ty, prac­ti­cal­i­ty, desir­abil­i­ty, or sup­port­a­bil­i­ty of design changes for the propul­sion sys­tem, sup­port equip­ment, and gov­ern­ment fur­nished prop­er­ty; oper­a­tional readi­ness and reli­a­bil­i­ty; cost and weight reduc­tions; logis­tics site sur­veys; train­ing sys­tem analy­sis; mod­el­ing and sim­u­la­tion activ­i­ties; cam­paign analy­sis; and the deter­mi­na­tion of the fea­si­bil­i­ty of inte­grat­ing changes for pur­chas­er-unique require­ments. Work will be per­formed in East Hart­ford, Conn. (73 per­cent), Bris­tol, Unit­ed King­dom (20 per­cent), and Indi­anapo­lis, Ind. (7 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in August 2012. Con­tract funds in the amount of $8,503,722 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured pur­suant to FAR 6.302.1. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00019-12-D-0002).

     The Unit­ed Tech­nolo­gies Corp., Pratt & Whit­ney Air­craft Group, East Hart­ford, Conn., is being award­ed $16,635,343 for firm-fixed-price order #0004 against pre­vi­ous­ly issued basic order­ing agree­ment (N00383-07-G-003M) to repair 13 line items used on the J‑52 engine, pow­er­ing the EA-6B air­craft. Addi­tion­al­ly, Pratt & Whit­ney will pro­vide man­u­fac­tur­ing, engi­neer­ing, and tech­ni­cal sup­port to the Fleet Readi­ness Cen­ter South­east, Jack­sonville, Fla., with a goal of improv­ing month­ly out­put. Work will be per­formed in Jack­sonville, Fla., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by July 31, 2013. The con­tract funds, fis­cal 2012/2013 Navy Work­ing Cap­i­tal Funds, will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Pratt & Whit­ney was the only offer­or solicit­ed for this sole-source require­ment and the sole offer­or respond­ing to the solic­i­ta­tion. Only Pratt & Whit­ney, the orig­i­nal equip­ment man­u­fac­tur­er of the J‑52 engine, has the tech­ni­cal exper­tise to exe­cute this con­tract. NAVSUP Weapon Sys­tems Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

     The Boe­ing Co., Seat­tle, Wash., is being award­ed a $9,994,101 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a cost-plus-fixed-fee deliv­ery order against a pre­vi­ous­ly issued basic order­ing agree­ment (N00019-05-G-0026) for plan­ning and analy­sis efforts that will address addi­tion­al incre­ment two, acoustic proces­sor tech­nol­o­gy refresh capa­bil­i­ties for the P‑8A Posei­don air­craft. Work will be per­formed in Ana­heim, Calif. (75 per­cent), and Seat­tle, Wash. (25 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Jan­u­ary 2013. Con­tract funds in the amount of $2,000,000 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 


     Tele­dyne Sci­en­tif­ic and Imag­ing, L.L.C., Thou­sand Oaks, Calif., is being award­ed a $20,400,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the pro­duc­tion, test­ing, inspec­tion, and deliv­ery of 8,500 air­crew laser eye per­for­mance block two spec­ta­cles and 100 fit­ting frame sets. ASC/WNUK, Wright-Pat­ter­son Air Force Base, Ohio, is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8902-06-C-1002 and mod­i­fi­ca­tion P00028). 

     Northrop Grum­man Sys­tems Corp., Inte­grat­ed Sys­tems West­ern Region, El Segun­do, Calif., is being award­ed a $12, 271,991 cost-plus-award-fee con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tion for the Mul­ti Plat­form Radar Tech­nol­o­gy Inser­tion Pro­gram radar sys­tem devel­op­ment and demon­stra­tion for inte­gra­tion with the Glob­al Hawk Block 40 Pro­gram. The Elec­tron­ic Sys­tems Cen­ter, Aer­i­al Ground Sur­veil­lance Sys­tems Divi­sion, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (F19628-00-C-0100, P00242). 


     Wash­ing­ton Met­ro­pol­i­tan Area Tran­sit, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is being award­ed a $15,000,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract to pro­vide fund­ing for Depart­ment of Defense trans­porta­tion ben­e­fits for its employ­ees. Work will be per­formed in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Sept. 30, 2016. Wash­ing­ton Head­quar­ters Ser­vice is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (HQ0034-12-A-001).

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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