USAUS Military contracts for FY10


Unit­ed Tech­nolo­gies Corp., Pratt & Whit­ney Mil­i­tary Engines, East Hart­ford, Conn., is being award­ed an advance acqui­si­tion con­tract with an esti­mat­ed val­ue of $138,800,000 for long lead com­po­nents, parts and mate­ri­als asso­ci­at­ed with the Lot V low rate ini­tial pro­duc­tion of 22 F135 con­ven­tion­al take off and land­ing propul­sion sys­tems for the Air Force; 13 short take-off and ver­ti­cal land­ing propul­sion sys­tems for the Marine Corps; and 7 car­ri­er vari­ant propul­sion sys­tems for the Navy. Work will be per­formed in East Hart­ford, Conn. (70 per­cent); Bris­tol, Unit­ed King­dom (19 per­cent); and Indi­anapo­lis, Ind. (11 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in April 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. This con­tract com­bines pur­chas­es for the Air Force ($51,300,000; 37 per­cent); Marine Corps ($65,600,000; 47 per­cent); and Navy ($21,900,000; 16 per­cent). The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00019-10-C-0005).

Clark/Balfour Beat­ty, JV, Bethes­da, Md., is being award­ed a $49,595,866 firm-fixed-price con­tract for design and con­struc­tion of main oper­at­ing rooms in Build­ing 9 at Nation­al Naval Med­ical Cen­ter Bethes­da. The work to be per­formed pro­vides for repair, upgrade, and recon­fig­u­ra­tion of 17 exist­ing oper­at­ing rooms. The project also includes the con­fig­u­ra­tion and ren­o­va­tion of adja­cent sup­port­ing spaces and sys­tems includ­ing mechan­i­cal, elec­tri­cal, and plumb­ing infra­struc­ture. Work will be per­formed in Bethes­da, Md., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by May 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was pro­cured as a sole-source in accor­dance with FAR 6.302–1, “only one respon­si­ble source.” The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, Wash­ing­ton, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N40080-10-C-4405).

Sword & Shield Enter­prise Secu­ri­ty, Inc., Knoxville, Tenn., is being award­ed a ceil­ing price $31,800,000 firm-fixed-priced, blan­ket pur­chase agree­ment for pro­duc­tion and logis­tic sup­port of the AN/TRC-170A (V)3/(V)5 Tro­poscat­ter anten­na sys­tem replace­ment. Work will be per­formed in Orlan­do, Fla., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed with­in three and one-half years after award. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via NASA’s Solu­tions for Enter­prise-Wide Pro­cure­ment vehi­cle. The Marine Corps Sys­tems Com­mand, Quan­ti­co, Va., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (M67854-10-A-7044).

Booz Allen Hamil­ton, Inc., McLean, Va., is being award­ed a $23,517,593 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract (N00421-09-C-0016) to pro­vide for addi­tion­al tech­ni­cal and engi­neer­ing ser­vices for com­mu­ni­ca­tions-elec­tron­ics advanced tech­nol­o­gy sys­tems sup­port­ing the Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Division’s Spe­cial Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Require­ments Divi­sion. The esti­mat­ed lev­el of effort for this mod­i­fi­ca­tion is 336,000 man-hours. Work will be per­formed in Lex­ing­ton Park, Md. (70 per­cent), and St. Ini­goes, Md. (30 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Jan­u­ary 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the fis­cal year. The Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Divi­sion, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md. is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Gen­er­al Dynam­ics C4 Sys­tems, Scotts­dale, Ariz., is being award­ed a $10,025,760 deliv­ery order #0009 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed firm-fixed-price con­tract (M67854-06-D-5079) for inte­grat­ed trail­er-envi­ron­men­tal con­trol unit gen­er­a­tors (ITEGs). The ITEG shall pro­vide elec­tri­cal pow­er and envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tion­ing to mul­ti­ple-type users in all antic­i­pat­ed envi­ron­ments. Its prin­ci­pal means of trans­port will be towed behind a tac­ti­cal vehi­cle. Work will be per­formed in Scotts­dale, Ariz., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by May 6, 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire by the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Marine Corps Sys­tems Com­mand, Quan­ti­co, Va., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (M67854-06-D-5079).

ViaSat, Carls­bad, Calif., is being award­ed a $6,051,119 firm-fixed-price deliv­ery order #0001 under pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (N00039-10-D-0032) for mul­ti­func­tion­al infor­ma­tion dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem-low vol­ume ter­mi­nals (MIDS-LVTs). The MIDS-LVT pro­vides secure, high-capac­i­ty, jam-resis­tant, dig­i­tal data, and voice com­mu­ni­ca­tions capa­bil­i­ty for Navy, Air Force, and Army plat­forms. Con­tract funds in the amount of $428,506 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Work will be per­formed in Carls­bad, Calif. (30 per­cent), and var­i­ous oth­er sites world­wide (70 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Dec. 31, 2011. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Space and Naval War­fare Sys­tems E‑commerce Web site, with an unlim­it­ed num­ber of pro­pos­als solicit­ed and two offers received. The syn­op­sis was released via the Fed­er­al Busi­ness Oppor­tu­ni­ties Web site. Space and Naval War­fare Sys­tems Com­mand, San Diego, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Oshkosh Corp., Oshkosh, Wis., is being award­ed a $5,186,360 fixed-price deliv­ery order #0073 under pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract (M67854-06-D-5028) to pur­chase 85 armor kits to include Engi­neer­ing Change Pro­pos­als 4, 5, and 6, for the logis­tic vehi­cle sys­tem replace­ment pro­duc­tion car­go vehi­cles. Work will be per­formed in Oshkosh, Wis., and is expect­ed to be com­plete by May 31, 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Marine Corps Sys­tem Com­mand, Quan­ti­co, Va., is the con­tract­ing activity. 


Uni­ver­sal Tech­nol­o­gy Corp., Day­ton, Ohio, was award­ed a $49,000,000 con­tract which will pro­vide solu­tions for broad­ly defined mil­i­tary needs and make the tran­si­tion into the design and devel­op­ment phase with a focus on improv­ing or devel­op­ing new and cre­ative non-destruc­tive eval­u­a­tion health man­age­ment tech­niques based upon applied research and advanced devel­op­ment tech­nol­o­gy. At this time, $701,000 has been oblig­at­ed. Det 1 AFRL/PKMM, Wright-Pat­ter­son Air Force Base, Ohio, is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8650-10-D-5210).


Force Pro­tec­tion Indus­tries, Inc., Lad­son, S.C., was award­ed on May 4 a $32,934,778 firm-fixed-price con­tract for Buf­fa­lo mine pro­tect­ed clear­ance vehi­cles, data items, field sup­port rep­re­sen­ta­tive, and tech­ni­cal man­u­als. Work is to be per­formed in Lad­son, S.C., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Nov. 1, 2012. One bid was solicit­ed with one bid received. U.S. Army TACOM, War­ren, Mich., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W56HZV-08-C-0028).

Tetra Tech EC, Inc., Metairie, La., was award­ed on April 30 a $28,945,972 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the con­struc­tion of West­bank and vicin­i­ty, New Orleans, Louisiana, hur­ri­cane storm dam­age risk reduc­tion sys­tem wbv-74 west­ern tie-in clo­sure struc­ture, St. Charles Parish, La. Work is to be per­formed in St. Charles Parish, La., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Sept. 10, 2011. Bids were solicit­ed on the World Wide Web with three bids received. U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Hur­ri­cane Pro­tec­tion Office, New Orleans, La., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912P8-10-C-0076).

Bell Heli­copter Tex­tron, Inc., Hurst, Texas, was award­ed on April 30 a $20,720,482 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the pro­cure­ment of two, with an option for one, stan­dard com­mer­cial­ly con­fig­ured Bell Heli­copter 412 EP air­craft with option­al equip­ment require­ments and com­ple­men­tary pilot and main­tain­er train­ing. Work is to be per­formed in Que­bec, Cana­da (88 per­cent), and Piney Flats, Tenn. (8 per­cent), with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Oct. 1, 2012. One bid was solicit­ed with one bid received. U.S. Army Avi­a­tion and Mis­sile Com­mand, CCAM-RD‑F, Red­stone, Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W58RGZ-10-C-0080).

Hell­fire Sys­tems, LLC, Orlan­do, Fla., was award­ed on April 30 a $15,839,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the tran­si­tion of the new AGM-114R Hell­fire II Romeo mis­sile into the cur­rent Hell­fire II mis­sile pro­duc­tion line. Work is to be per­formed in Orlan­do, Fla., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Sept. 30, 2013. One bid was solicit­ed with one bid received. U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, AMCOM Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W31P4Q-08-C-0361).

Gen­er­al Atom­ics Aero­nau­ti­cal Sys­tem, Poway, Calif., was award­ed on April 30 a $15,215,147 cost-plus-incen­tive-fee con­tract for the exer­cise option for con­tract W58RGZ-09-C-0151 in sup­port of the extend­ed range/­mul­ti-pur­pose sys­tem pro­duc­tion readi­ness test asset. Work is to be per­formed in Poway, Calif., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of April 09, 2011. One bid was solicit­ed with one bid received. U.S. Army Avi­a­tion and Mis­sile Com­mands, CCAM-AR‑A, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W58RGZ-09-C-0151).

Qine­tiQ North Amer­i­ca, Waltham, Mass., was award­ed on May 3 a $15,181,067 firm-fixed-price con­tract for Talon robot­ic sys­tems and sus­tain­ment parts. Work is to be per­formed in Waltham, Mass., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 30, 2010. One bid was solicit­ed with one bid received. TACOM Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, War­ren CCTA-AHL‑D, War­ren, Mich., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W56HZV-10-C-0320).

CUH2A/Smith Carter/Hemisphere, JV, Lawrenceville, N.J., was award­ed on May 4 a $14,471,840 firm-fixed-price con­tract for con­struc­tion, admin­is­tra­tion sup­port ser­vices for the U.S. Army Med­ical Research Insti­tute of Infec­tious Dis­eases (USAMRIID) replace­ment facil­i­ty at Fort Det­rick, Md. The Insti­tute plays a key role as the only lab­o­ra­to­ry equipped to safe­ly study high haz­ardous infec­tious agent requir­ing max­i­mum con­tain­ment at biosafe­ty lev­el. This project will design the replace­ment, expan­sion, and ren­o­va­tion of the exist­ing USAMRIID facil­i­ties, which will include approx­i­mate­ly 686,787 gross square feet of new bio­med­ical research and vivar­i­um facil­i­ties. Work is to be per­formed in Fort Det­rick, Md., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of May 30, 2014. Bids were solicit­ed on the World Wide Web with six bids received. U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Bal­ti­more Dis­trict, Bal­ti­more, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912DR-06-C-0009).

Kip­per Tool Co., Gainesville, Ga., was award­ed on May 3 a $13,402,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for 64 stan­dard auto­mo­tive tools sets. This is a cur­rent con­tract to place a deliv­ery order for an addi­tion­al 64. Work is to be per­formed in Gainesville, Ga., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of March 31, 2011. One bid was solicit­ed with one bid received. TACOM Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Rock Island Arse­nal, Ill., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (DAAE20-03-D-0085).

The Whit­ing Turn­er Con­tract­ing Co., Tow­son, Md., was award­ed on May 4 a $13,332,934 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the con­tract­ing of Heat Engine Sys­tems Alti­tude Test Facil­i­ty, Army Research Lab­o­ra­to­ry. Work is to be per­formed in Aberdeen, Md., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 31, 2011. One-hun­dred-and-eight bids were solicit­ed with four bids received. U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Bal­ti­more Dis­trict, Bal­ti­more, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912DR-10-C-0078).

RQ Con­struc­tion, Inc., Carls­bad, Calif., was award­ed on May 3 a $12,544,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for fis­cal 2010 to design and con­struct a new 51,150 square foo 144-per­son dor­mi­to­ry. Work is to be per­formed in Pima Coun­ty, Ariz., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Nov. 25, 2011. Bids were solicit­ed on the World Wide Web with nine bids received. U.S Army Engi­neer Dis­trict, Los Ange­les, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912PL-10-C-0027).

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., LLC, Oak Brook, Ill., was award­ed on April 30 a $10,248,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for 2010 north coast dredg­ing, includ­ing the mouth of the Colum­bia Riv­er. Work is to be per­formed along the Colum­bia Riv­er in Wash­ing­ton State and Ore­gon, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Oct. 1, 2010. Two bids were solicit­ed with two bids received. U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Port­land Dis­trict, Port­land, Ore., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W9127N-10-C-0026).

H‑S, JV, Atlanta, Ga., was award­ed on April 30 a $9,630,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract to con­struct a 1300-sol­dier enlist­ed per­son­nel din­ing facil­i­ty to include sup­port­ing site work and sur­round­ing area. The con­trac­tor will: relo­cate util­i­ties cur­rent­ly in the pro­posed build­ing foot­prints as nec­es­sary to main­tain con­ti­nu­ity of ser­vices; design and con­struct sup­port­ing facil­i­ty for the new build­ing and park­ing to include elec­tri­cal, water sew­er, and nat­ur­al gas ser­vices not han­dled by pri­va­tized util­i­ty com­pa­ny; and design and con­struct secu­ri­ty light­ing, exte­ri­or com­mu­ni­ca­tions, fire pro­tec­tion, storm sew­er sys­tem, deten­tion struc­ture, roads and park­ing lots to include strip­ing, curbs, and gut­ters. The work is to include site prepa­ra­tion, ero­sion con­trol, grass­ing, land­scap­ing, fenc­ing and sig­nage. Work is to be per­formed in Fort Bragg, N.C., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Sept. 1, 2011. Three bids solicit­ed with three bids received. U.S. Army Engi­neer Dis­trict, Savan­nah, Ga., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W92236-10-D-0011).

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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