USA — National Guard Celebrates 374 Years

WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2010 — Air Force Lt. Gen. Har­ry “Bud” Wyatt, direc­tor of the Air Nation­al Guard, helped the Guard mark its 374th birth­day yes­ter­day at a Capi­tol Hill cel­e­bra­tion.
“His­to­ri­ans have traced the ori­gins of the Nation­al Guard to the first muster on Dec. 13, 1636, in the colony of Mass­a­chu­setts, when the Mass­a­chu­setts Bay Colony sum­moned their mili­tia, and orga­nized them into three reg­i­ments in the North, South and East,” Wyatt said.

“I’m sure those Guards­men and sol­diers in Mass­a­chu­setts back in 1636 could not have imag­ined the mis­sions that the Guard does today,” the gen­er­al con­tin­ued. “They would prob­a­bly also be amazed to find that we now num­ber close to half a mil­lion sol­diers and air­men in ser­vice to their country.” 

Oth­er hon­ored guests in atten­dance to wish the Guard a hap­py birth­day includ­ed Con­gress­men Steve Buy­er of Indi­ana, Dun­can Hunter from Cal­i­for­nia, Gene Tay­lor from Mis­sis­sip­pi, and Christo­pher Bond of Missouri. 

The Nation­al Guard Asso­ci­a­tion of the Unit­ed States host­ed the event in the Ray­burn House Office Building. 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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