UDT Asia — The definitive underwater event for Asia’s navies

Annu­al UDT Asia con­fer­ence to bring togeth­er senior naval and indus­try per­son­nel explor­ing solu­tions for under­wa­ter naval projects in South­east Asia

Sin­ga­pore, Feb 10 – For 2012 and beyond, the oppor­tu­ni­ties for secur­ing new busi­ness in the Asian naval mar­ket has nev­er been greater. The under­wa­ter the­atre is where navies are look­ing to indus­try to help fill in the tech­no­log­i­cal gap they have on their cur­rent and future require­ments. In Asia-Pacif­ic, they are expect­ed to spend US$30 bil­lion in order to strength­en their sub­ma­rine, sur­face com­bat­ant plat­forms and oth­er mar­itime defence capa­bil­i­ties. This expen­di­ture makes the region the num­ber one glob­al mar­itime defence mar­ket over the next decade, accord­ing to U.S. based naval con­sul­tan­cy AMI Inter­na­tion­al. In total, region­al navies are expect­ed to acquire a total of 841 ves­sels by 2016. 

It is a clear indi­ca­tor that oper­at­ing and main­tain­ing an under­sea fleet is no longer the domain of major world pow­ers alone. In fact, accord­ing to con­ser­v­a­tive esti­mates by IHS Jane’s “coun­tries in South­east Asia will acquire 13 sub­marines at a cost of around USD 4.7bn”. Region­al navies like those of Thai­land, Sin­ga­pore, Indone­sia, Malaysia and Viet­nam are weigh­ing options for procur­ing new plat­forms and equip­ment in order to devel­op indige­nous UUV capa­bil­i­ties, iden­ti­fy the cor­rect sub­ma­rine type for their navy and inte­grate the lat­est under­sea technologies. 

Indone­sia is cur­rent­ly build­ing their capa­bil­i­ties and is look­ing to receive their sub­marines between 2015 — 2016. The sub­marines are to sat­is­fy a par­tial require­ment of the 2024 defence strate­gic plan of 10–14 sub­marines as its min­i­mum essen­tial force. Thai­land is look­ing to pur­chase sec­ond hand sub­marines from Euro­pean sup­pli­ers, most like­ly from Ger­many. The Philip­pines announced last year that it too is assess­ing the pro­cure­ment of their first sub­marines in the com­ing years. Else­where, Viet­nam has 6 Kilo Class SSKs on order, while Malaysia already has its Scor­penes, and Sin­ga­pore with its Archer class now in operation. 

Last year’s UDT Asia, held 30 Novem­ber — 1 Decem­ber in Sin­ga­pore, was an undis­put­ed suc­cess. With over 120 naval and gov­ern­ment atten­dees from Aus­tralia, Malaysia, Philip­pines, Sin­ga­pore, Japan, Unit­ed King­dom, Cana­da, Unit­ed States, NATO and many more from the region plus 10 indus­try spon­sors and exhibitors sup­port­ing the con­fer­ence, the venue was abuzz with active net­work­ing and ideas shar­ing among the del­e­ga­tion of naval, aca­d­e­m­ic and indus­try experts. 

Con­tin­u­ing this suc­cess, UDT Asia 2012 will again bring togeth­er the Asian naval under­wa­ter defence com­mu­ni­ty to dis­cuss how they are pio­neer­ing new con­cepts, doc­trines and tech­nolo­gies in the under­sea bat­tle­space. Indus­try and naval per­son­nel will engage in open dis­cus­sions around the cur­rent and future lev­el of naval devel­op­ment in Asia. Top­ics will allow par­tic­i­pants at UDT Asia to delve into spe­cif­ic areas of inter­est like UUVs, MCM, R&D for under­wa­ter defence and the surge of sub­ma­rine pro­cure­ment in South­east Asia. 

About Clar­i­on Events
Clar­i­on Events is a huge­ly suc­cess­ful busi­ness. In 2011 alone, over 700,000 care­ful­ly tar­get­ed peo­ple vis­it­ed our 160 exhi­bi­tions, con­fer­ences and seat­ed events across Europe, North and South Amer­i­ca, Africa, Mid­dle East, Rus­sia and Asia. 

We are one of the largest inde­pen­dent event organ­is­ers in the world cur­rent­ly employ­ing a tal­ent­ed staff of 500+ peo­ple in offices in the UK, Nether­lands, Unit­ed States, South Africa, Brazil, UAE, and Singapore. 

Clar­i­on Events spe­cialise in high-lev­el defence and secu­ri­ty events which are cre­at­ed with the input of a pan­el of senior lev­el gov­ern­ment, mil­i­tary and indus­try advi­sors. Exten­sive research and dia­logue with these con­tacts ensure our events reflect the most impor­tant issues fac­ing you and the wider defence and secu­ri­ty com­mu­ni­ty today. By mak­ing it our pri­ma­ry mis­sion to work close­ly with the Asian defence com­mu­ni­ty, includ­ing all senior stake­hold­ers and lead­ers we are able to cre­ate the most effec­tive pro­grammes for the Asian mar­ket. Our events pro­vide the ide­al venue for these high lev­el del­e­gates to meet, share ideas, dis­cuss indus­try devel­op­ments, con­duct busi­ness, devel­op part­ner­ships and net­work for future growth. 

Michael Fer­rer
Pro­duc­tion Lead
Clar­i­on Events I Defence and Secu­ri­ty
T: +65 6590 3979
E: michael.ferrer@clarionevents.com
W: www.udt-asia.com

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