Su-34 frontline bombers to the Russian Air Force

Novosi­birsk air­craft plant of Sukhoi deliv­ered Su-34 front­line bombers to the Russ­ian Air Force

Decem­ber 12, 2011, Moscow — Today four ser­i­al Su-34 front­line bombers went up in the sky from the run­way air­port of the Novosi­birsk Air­craft Pro­duc­tion Asso­ci­a­tion (NAPO) and off to the place of their deploy­ment at the air base in Voronezh.

Two more air­craft will arrive there in the next few days. The air­craft deliv­ery is car­ried out in the frame­work of the five-year state con­tract signed in 2008 to sup­ply 32 Su-34 front­line bombers to the Russ­ian Defense Ministry.

In Sep­tem­ber 2011 the state joint test­ing of the air­plane was com­plet­ed and the offi­cial act was signed with the rec­om­men­da­tion to put the plane into ser­vice of the Russ­ian Air Force. In future the Su-34 air­craft will replace the fleet of the Su-24 front­line bombers cur­rent­ly in service.

The Su-34 can effec­tive­ly attack land-based, sea- and air­borne tar­gets by day and night in all weath­ers using the entire suite of its air­borne muni­tions, includ­ing high-pre­ci­sion types. In terms of oper­a­tional capa­bil­i­ties this is a 4+ gen­er­a­tion air­craft. Its active safe­ty sys­tem, along with the newest com­put­ers, pro­vides extra capa­bil­i­ties for the pilot and nav­i­ga­tor to per­form pre­cise bomb­ing and to maneu­ver under ene­my fire. The excel­lent aero­dy­nam­ics, large capac­i­ty inter­nal fuel tanks, fuel-effi­cient bypass engines with a dig­i­tal con­trol sys­tem, in-flight refu­el­ing device and add-on fuel tanks enable the air­craft to fly long dis­tances close to those of medi­um strate­gic bombers.

The air­craft fea­tures an out­stand­ing flight per­for­mance, main­tain­abil­i­ty and maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. It has long-range aim­ing sys­tems and mod­ern on-board com­mu­ni­ca­tion and infor­ma­tion exchange sys­tem with ground con­trol sta­tions, ground troops and sur­face ships as well as between air­craft of the group.

The Su-34 is armed with high­ly effec­tive long-range air-to-sur­face and air-to-air guid­ed weapons enabling mul­ti-chan­nel oper­a­tional employ­ment. It is equipped with a high­ly intel­li­gent sys­tem of radar coun­ter­mea­sures and defense. The Su-34 has a sophis­ti­cat­ed sur­vival sys­tem, includ­ing an armored cock­pit. The air­craft can per­form mis­sions at a low alti­tude in bypass and fly-by modes. There are imme­di­ate plans to increase the com­bat poten­tial of the air­craft with new weapons.

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