NATOSNMG2 Operation Handover

Naples: On 15 June the Turk­ish Navy host­ed the Oper­a­tion Hand over of Com­man­der Stand­ing NATO Mar­itime Group 2 at Aksaz Naval base, Turkey.

FGS Bay­ern
Source: NATO
Click to enlarge

Vice Admi­ral Rinal­do Veri, Com­man­der Allied Mar­itime Com­mand Naples presided over the Cer­e­mo­ny where Rear Admi­ral Sinan Azmi Tosun, Turk­ish Navy, hand­ed over Com­mand to Rear Admi­ral (LH) Thorsten KÄHLER, Ger­man Navy. 

The SNMG2 ships com­po­si­tion is: 

  • FGS Bay­ern Frigate Ger­many (Flag­ship)
  • FS Courbert Frigate France
  • TCG Gediz Frigate Turkey

SNMG 2 is a multi­na­tion­al inte­grat­ed mar­itime force that forms part of the NATO Response Force and oper­ates under the com­mand of the Allied Mar­itime Com­mand in Naples. Per­ma­nent­ly acti­vat­ed and held at high readi­ness, it is a mobile and flex­i­ble force that allows the Alliance to respond to today’s secu­ri­ty challenges. 

Allied Com­mand Oper­a­tions

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