India/South Korea — India To Order 8 Minesweepers From South Korea

In yet anoth­er mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar deal for the pur­chase of hi-tech war­ships, the Indi­an Navy is all set to place an order for eight minesweep­ers from South Korea.

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

The pur­chase will fur­ther add teeth to the exist­ing capac­i­ty of the Indi­an Navy. 

The min­istry of defence has ini­ti­at­ed cost nego­ti­a­tions with South Kore­an firm ‘Kang­nam Cor­po­ra­tion’ and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in a month or two. Imme­di­ate­ly after that the order will be final­ly placed. 

The cost of acqui­si­tion of these sophis­ti­cat­ed ships will be in the range of USD 670 mil­lion per ship. Kang­nam Cor­po­ra­tion will build the first two war­ship in South Korea and remain­ing six will be built in India at Goa Ship­yard Lim­it­ed under licensed tech­nol­o­gy transfer. 

Minesweep­ers gen­er­al­ly detect then neu­tral­ize mines in advance of oth­er naval oper­a­tions. Th Indi­an Navy cur­rent­ly oper­ates 12 minesweep­ers of the Pondicher­ry / Kar­war class and are equal­ly divid­ed between the west­ern and the east­ern commands. 

Apart from the pur­chase of brand new minesweep­ers, the Indi­an Navy is con­sid­er­ing buy­ing two used Osprey-class minesweep­ers from the US that were decom­mis­sioned by the US Navy in 2007. The US Con­gress has already cleared the sale of these two ves­sels to friend­ly countries. 

The Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion had in 2010 offered these two minesweep­ers to India, which had expressed its inter­est in acquir­ing them in April 2005. 


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