India — MoD Approves Purchases Worth $1.9 Billion For Armed Forces

The MoD today gave it’s approval to three key pro­pos­als from the IAF and the Indi­an Navy to buy 14 new Dornier recon­nais­sance planes, 116 bat­tle­ship guns and for a nation­wide com­mand and con­trol com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­work. The total val­ue of the deal to buy these equip­ments is near­ly $1.9 bil­lion.

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

The IAF pro­pos­es to buy the Dorniers to boost it’s exist­ing troop car­ry­ing fleet from 41 to 55. The Dorniers will be pur­chased from Ban­ga­lore-based defence pub­lic sec­tor under­tak­ing Hin­dus­tan Aero­nau­tics Lim­it­ed (HAL). The order is worth $200 million. 

The com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­work for the IAF which is called the Air Force Net (AFNET), had been launched as a pilot project by the IAF in Sep­tem­ber 2010. The pilot project is turn­ing out to be a suc­cess & the DAC gave it’s approval to expand the net­work into a nation­wide sys­tem. The project will cost $1.4 billion. 

The third pro­cure­ment that was approved at the meet­ing was for the Indi­an Navy. The Navy will pro­cure new 30mm guns for it’s war­ships. The 116 guns will be $300 mil­lion & will have advance elec­tro-optic fire con­trol sys­tems. The first lot of these guns are to be direct­ly import­ed and the rest man­u­fac­tured in India under a tech­nol­o­gy trans­fer contract. 

This will help increase the capa­bil­i­ties of the defence PSUs & enable indige­nous man­u­fac­tur­ing of mil­i­tary systems. 

Nom­i­na­tion of defence PSUs for defence sys­tems man­u­fac­tur­ing will be dis­cour­aged, there­by encour­ag­ing greater com­pe­ti­tion among both the pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tor defence com­pa­nies. Nom­i­na­tion of defence PSUs will be done only in rarest of rare cas­es, when the mil­i­tary equip­ment is oper­a­tional­ly very impor­tant and the local capac­i­ties will not meet the time and qual­i­ty para­me­ters for procurement. 

The oth­er pro­pos­al dis­cussed was for buy­ing eight reg­i­ments of the bad­ly need­ed Quick Reac­tion Sur­face to Air Mis­siles (QRSAMs). These mis­siles can engage tar­gets at 15-km range at a min­i­mum alti­tude of 6,000 metres in under six sec­onds. The plan is to replace the Russ­ian Kvadrat sys­tem. This deal is worth $2.4 billion. 


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