India All Set To Complete Nuclear Triad

India will be one of the select group of nations that pos­sess a nuclear tri­ad for it’s cred­i­ble and invul­ner­a­ble nuclear weapons stock­pile.

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

India will soon attain the capa­bil­i­ty for a retal­ia­to­ry nuclear strike from under sea. 

India already has the capa­bil­i­ty to fire nuclear weapons from land and air. The capa­bil­i­ty to attack from sea will soon be attained with secret test runs being con­duct­ed on the new­ly induct­ed nuclear sub­marines, INS Ari­hant and INS Chakra. 

In the next decade, Asia will house three of the four largest economies of the world and India is sure­ly a part of it. India needs to match it’s mil­i­tary with it’s ever grow­ing eco­nom­ic clout so as to deter any aggres­sion on the nation. 

India’s des­tiny lies in the sea and secur­ing the mar­itime bound­aries of India is the Indi­an Navy’s pri­ma­ry role. In recent years the Indi­an Navy has grown expo­nen­tial­ly as a force to reck­on with. With the induc­tion of new air­craft car­ri­ers, stealth destroy­ers and frigates, sup­port ships and a vari­ety of offen­sive and defen­sive aer­i­al assets, the Indi­an navy is steadi­ly becom­ing the only blue water navy in Asia. 

Out of the 47 ships and sub­marines present­ly on order by the Indi­an Navy, 44 ves­sels are being con­struct­ed at Indi­an ship­yards. The orders have been placed in such a man­ner that the Indi­an Navy over the next five years will induct an aver­age of 5 naval plat­forms per year. 

Recent­ly a stealth frigate, INS Sahyadri was ful­ly induct­ed into the force. This was the third of the Shiv­a­lik Class stealth frigates being pro­duced indige­nous­ly by the Mazagon Dock­yards Lim­it­ed (Mum­bai).

India’s Air­craft Car­ri­er pro­gramme has been planned to be a con­tin­u­ous process over the next 10 years which will thus allow the Navy to oper­ate a min­i­mum of two ful­ly oper­a­tional com­bat-wor­thy air­craft car­ri­ers at any giv­en point of time. 


The web­site is ded­i­cat­ed to give a com­plete, swift and day-to-day cov­er­age of all the lat­est hap­pen­ings in the world of Indi­an Defence and Aero­space in an accu­rate, objec­tive, cred­i­ble and com­pre­hen­sive manner. 

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