General Dynamics Awarded $26 Million to Develop Joint Assault Bridge Prototypes

STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. – The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand has award­ed Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Land Sys­tems a $26 mil­lion con­tract to build two Joint Assault Bridge (JAB) pro­to­types. Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Land Sys­tems is a busi­ness unit of Gen­er­al Dynam­ics (NYSE: GD). 

Armored Vehicles, Main Battle Tanks
Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about Armored Vehi­cles and Main Bat­tle Tanks 

The Joint Assault Bridge pro­gram is a mul­ti-ser­vice ini­tia­tive to replace the exist­ing Armored Vehi­cle Launched Bridge (AVLB) sys­tem that is cur­rent­ly avail­able to U.S. forces. The JAB sys­tem will be a ful­ly tracked armored engi­neer­ing vehi­cle specif­i­cal­ly designed to pro­vide Mobil­i­ty Aug­men­ta­tion Com­pa­nies with bridg­ing capa­bil­i­ties allow­ing mil­i­tary vehi­cles to cross ravines or gorges in com­bat. It will pro­vide crew with pro­tec­tion and vehi­cle sur­viv­abil­i­ty equal to the M1A1 Abrams tank fleet and have the speed and mobil­i­ty to keep pace with the maneu­ver force. The JAB sys­tem will launch and recov­er the Army’s hydrauli­cal­ly actu­at­ed Mil­i­tary Load Class Scis­sor Bridge. 

Test sup­port pack­ages (TSP) will be deliv­ered along with two JAB pro­to­types to the Army’s Aberdeen Prov­ing Grounds. The con­tract sup­ports the JAB engi­neer­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing devel­op­ment phase, and work will be per­formed in Ster­ling Heights, Mich., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of August, 2014. 

More infor­ma­tion about Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Land Sys­tems is avail­able at

More infor­ma­tion about Gen­er­al Dynam­ics is avail­able at

Gen­er­al Dynamics 

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